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Hoo-wheee. This is a long entry. In the e-mail I sent myself with notes in this has over twice as many notes as anything else. Why? Because it seems those in power in America seem to want to lie about EVERYTHING.
Firstly, the brilliant Uncyclopedia defines the USA as "The Fourth Reich". For those who don't know what this is a reference to, please go and research the largest and most devastating war ever to hit this earth. The United States are more and more like an empire than merely a country. Like Nazi Germany (and Stalinist Russia and Mao's China) - seeing a pattern here of evil regimes? - the American people are constantly bombarded with propaganda. The USA also has one of the world's lowest press freedoms. Despite apparently having an amendment for "freedom of speech", anyone can be tried for libel and slander at a moment's notice. There is even a US governmental directive where, if anyone speaks out or tries to tell the world anything the government doesn't want out, the offending person will either be discredited so people believe he is lying, or simply killed. Newspapers are closely monitored and it's harder than you might think to speak out. Some of it is just pure propaganda.
Next, the 600 secret prisons. I mentioned these briefly in another blog. One of the hundreds of things the American government neglects to tell its citizens about are the "unactivated" prisons around the country. These are set up in case of a full-scale revolt. No other country fears its own people so much in this day and age to have such a countermeasure. As far as I can see, the government knows it is pushing the boundaries of what an illegally-elected administration can do.
No-one is told the extent of American weapons. Theories range from nothing more advanced than the Aurora to some who believe they have harnessed anti-gravity technology, mind-control (the theory behind this is sound, see the HAARP project) and cloaking devices. A United States General recently said "If the public knew how far in advance American weapons technology is, they wouldn't believe it."
Antigravity - evidence exists that they may have something along these lines. People were experimenting back in the 1930s and some even came close. One theory about the Tunguska explosion (a MASSIVE blast in northern Russia in 1908, destroying everything in 2000 square kilometres) was a failed experiment of this sort.
Mindcontrol - the theory is sound. Low-frequency waves can project certain moods into people - happiness, angry, et al. Logically, finding the exact frequency for "rampaging needlessly-butchering gun-obsessed innocent-killing inbred lunatic/American infantry soldier" could be used as a weapon. No evidence currently exists that the appropriate frequency has been found.
Cloaking Devices - again, some evidence of things being test-flown before "vanishing". Some suggest the Philadelphia Experiment (hyped-up by conspiracy theorists) was "merely" trying to cloak a battleship, albeit with unfortunate results (most of the crew died). But most likely a load of rubbish.
Moving on from hidden/suppressed technology, the USA has extensive influence in other countries. As I already mentioned they seem to believe they can control South America, and plans are even being suggested for the assassination of brilliant Hugo Chavez, simply for being left-wing and not a total oil-guzzling fascist. Assorted plans were drawn up to kill Fidel Castro, and after his death the USA is planning to move into Cuba quickly and re-assert their authority. Can't have a liberal country so close to the Fourth Reich now can they?
Similar to press freedoms, the USA's isolationism is increasing. Just like after the first world war when they refused to be part of the potentially-useful League of Nations, America apparently wants little to do with the outside world unless it involves oil. Most people seem to think Europe is just one big country (The United States of Europe perhaps?).
The two big American conspiracies are the JFK assassination and the moon landings. Firstly, JFK. I can't stand these people that go "He was killed when his car was in a triangle of roads. A triangle looks slightly like a pyramid viewed sideways-on, and since the symbol of the Illuminati may be a pyramid (if they even exist) the Illuminati were involved! And since their symbol has an eye on top of the pyramid, and meercats have eyes - OMG! The meercat Illuminati killed JFK! And since he was killed in a car, Rolls Royce must have been involved! And since both words in their name start with an 'R', they are all Reptilian! This explains everything! Reptilian Illuminati disguised as Meercats killed JFK!"
What a load of poop. The only slightly odd thing is the guy who shot him being shot himself, but I really don't have any other theories to offer, apart from personally believing it was the ferrets, not the meercats. I don't see how a meercat could operate a rifle but I hear ferrets have longer fingers.
But the moon landing is something else entirely. I'll just quickly zoom through why it may have been faked :
No blast crater beneath the lander.
Flag blowing in wind, but no wind on the moon.
Multiple shadows like in football stadiums - a studio?
Height of the cold war, they had to do something to beat Russia.
Perhaps most interestingly of all, the 9 or 10 astronauts from the first few missions where they "walked on the moon" - all of whom are Christian - were asked to swear on the Bible that they had been. All of them refused to.
Do I really think the moon landing was faked? I'm not certain, but it's a hell of a lot more likely than JFK being some grand conspiracy.
Psy-ops means "Psychological Operations", carried out by Black Ops soldiers. These are intended to give a certain effect on the person/people involved, such as the previously-mentioned Operation Northwoods to convince the American people (not a hard thing to do) that Cuba had attacked them. Some people say the Twin Towers and the London Bombings were just these. Twin Towers - no way. London Bombings - slightly more likely. I wouldn't put anything past the actual Axis of Evil. That is our Prime Minister and their illegally-elected President. In "V for Vendetta", the British government poison the water supply and kill 100,000 people to win a land-slide victory and put the British people behind new, Orwellian reforms. Did "7/7" improve feelings for the war in Iraq and Afghanistan? Temporarily. So maybe it worked...
Last but not least, Guantanamo. Ignore the official press-package, almost no-one there has been tried and a high percentage don't even have any proven links to terror groups. One man there this week named some people who had evidence that would prove he was innocent. The US government said it "could not find them" but it took the Guardian newspaper just three days to track them all down. None of the witnesses said the American government had contacted them in any way.
So there you have it. Some food for thought, as it were. After all these, if you are not totally convinced that the United States has more wrong with it than a Big Brother house full of Evangelists all singing James Blunt while frantically inbreeding, then you're a lost cause.