I would really like it if someone could make the Wasps wage war against the Nettles, and with any luck they'd wipe each other out and the Earth would be rid of its two most twattish species. I say this because, in addition to a general all-round HATRED of aforementioned species, they were also the two most annoying obstacles in airsofting. Under enemy fire? Fine. Some buzzing shit flying around your visor/accidentally taking cover in a freaking nettle patch? Bad.
I hate wasps. Ever since one landed on my neck during autumn - "A leaf just fell on my neck - OW! SHIT SHIT SHIT!" (wasps are crinkly to the touch) - I have dispised the fucking things. All they do is fly around all day with their Darth Vader insectoid faces and sting things.
Why? Only the American Military compares in terms of attacking innocent people. Atleast the benign bumblebee (see below) only attacks when its life is in danger, since its sting kills itself too.

And Nettles. Piles of crap! Atleast thorns don't give you big bubbly things on your fingers where you may or may not have decided to take cover in a nettle patch. There weren't that many nettles. Besides, all the ferns hid the nettles and so I didn't discover it until I'd leapt into cover - "Shit! There's fucking nettles everywhere!"
So that is my suggestion. Have the battlelines drawn against the two worst and more gratuitously violent species on the planet, and let them wipe each other out. I'm sure some pesticides/insect repellent can clean up the survivors.
I hate wasps. Ever since one landed on my neck during autumn - "A leaf just fell on my neck - OW! SHIT SHIT SHIT!" (wasps are crinkly to the touch) - I have dispised the fucking things. All they do is fly around all day with their Darth Vader insectoid faces and sting things.
Why? Only the American Military compares in terms of attacking innocent people. Atleast the benign bumblebee (see below) only attacks when its life is in danger, since its sting kills itself too.

And Nettles. Piles of crap! Atleast thorns don't give you big bubbly things on your fingers where you may or may not have decided to take cover in a nettle patch. There weren't that many nettles. Besides, all the ferns hid the nettles and so I didn't discover it until I'd leapt into cover - "Shit! There's fucking nettles everywhere!"
So that is my suggestion. Have the battlelines drawn against the two worst and more gratuitously violent species on the planet, and let them wipe each other out. I'm sure some pesticides/insect repellent can clean up the survivors.
I'm impressed with your site, very nice graphics!
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