Praise the person who invented the fan! What a brilliant invention.
For those of you who don't know, today is one of the hottest days in British history apparently. This is made even worse by high humidity levels (it wasn't so bad earlier in the week - it was hot but not wet, so much more bearable) and a second fact. For those from a certain country who may not know what humidity is, clickie. Anyway, Cheltenham is also apparently a heat sink, meaning that because of the hills and the valleys, or something, we are even hotter than the rest of the country. Add to that the fact that the South is the hottest in the country, so we're the hottest of the hot. As it were.
And we were rated as one of the best places in the country to live. Why was this? Just take a look around Cheltenham and really show me something that is outstanding here.
I used to have a nice white fan but I think we left it behind when we moved house. Damn its eyes. I've contrived to drink more water today than possibly ever before - except maybe the great drought of '63, and the time I spent in New York/DC - and I've also been fanning myself with game manuals. Vice City has currently brought itself to the forefront of cooling technology.
I wish I had a fan. Mail me one.
It has now been a fortnight since "anonymous" bet me an Oxford English Dictionary (full, not that concise crap) that this blog would not exist today. It quite distinctly does. I haven't recieved it in the post yet. SEE TO IT NOW.
If you can't find a site, check here. It's only £850.00, surely someone of your poor-bashing position can afford this.

On second thoughts "anonymous", I'll settle for the crappy concise cheapo shit version as long as it comes with a fan. A good fan. And not some crappy spherical cheapo shit from a dubious site like this. I'd much rather some absurdly expensive luxury ceiling-mounted quality fannage (with built in lights) like this.
For those of you who don't know, today is one of the hottest days in British history apparently. This is made even worse by high humidity levels (it wasn't so bad earlier in the week - it was hot but not wet, so much more bearable) and a second fact. For those from a certain country who may not know what humidity is, clickie. Anyway, Cheltenham is also apparently a heat sink, meaning that because of the hills and the valleys, or something, we are even hotter than the rest of the country. Add to that the fact that the South is the hottest in the country, so we're the hottest of the hot. As it were.
And we were rated as one of the best places in the country to live. Why was this? Just take a look around Cheltenham and really show me something that is outstanding here.
I used to have a nice white fan but I think we left it behind when we moved house. Damn its eyes. I've contrived to drink more water today than possibly ever before - except maybe the great drought of '63, and the time I spent in New York/DC - and I've also been fanning myself with game manuals. Vice City has currently brought itself to the forefront of cooling technology.
I wish I had a fan. Mail me one.
It has now been a fortnight since "anonymous" bet me an Oxford English Dictionary (full, not that concise crap) that this blog would not exist today. It quite distinctly does. I haven't recieved it in the post yet. SEE TO IT NOW.
If you can't find a site, check here. It's only £850.00, surely someone of your poor-bashing position can afford this.

On second thoughts "anonymous", I'll settle for the crappy concise cheapo shit version as long as it comes with a fan. A good fan. And not some crappy spherical cheapo shit from a dubious site like this. I'd much rather some absurdly expensive luxury ceiling-mounted quality fannage (with built in lights) like this.
Yeah. Great. Except all they do is blow hot air around.
I want to go and live in cold, cold Scotland.
And sleep outside.
We're from Northern Europe; this isn't fair.
We're not meant for the warmth.
Fans rock. I just spent 7 hours in a small room with no other ventilation. Without my fans - I'd have got cabin fever *cue song from Muppet Treasure Island*
Ps: to Mr. MT - A) I was making a joke, dumbass, B) the only reason I use FF is because of tabs. I know that IE is nominally "better"
Fans are ok as long as you are human and covered with sweat. However, as a robotic entity I do not find them cooling.
However, since the OED is 'Not the most portable of books, the complete OED (20 volumes)' would provide, if completely used up, the energy for many thousands of fans for the rest of your life.
Shame we haven't mastered E=MC²
Ha, speak for yourself, Chainz. I mastered that long ago.
I wouldn't say Cheltenham's in the South: I'd describe its general regional positioning as in something fictional called 'The Midlands".
I'm not even sure the South was the hottest in the country yesterday, in fact. It was just too warm everywhere.
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