
A wonderful bird's the Flamingo,
But very few speak all the lingo,
Some say it looks like a Dingo,
But it never plays music like Ringo.
Almost all Flamingos have legs,
From Flamingo elites to the dregs,
While a Flamingo may never lay eggs,
They drink beer in entire kegs.
Flamingos are really very pink,
And luckily they don't always stink.
I once saw a Flamingo wink,
But I don't think they're into kink.
Their legs are extraordinarily thin,
So much they could fit in a bin,
But in doing that what would they win?
An accolade, or maybe a chin?
I need to think of more rhymes,
But what else does apart from slimes?
Another good one could be grimes,
But that doesn't make sense.
To go completely offtopic, for those interested, I have a picture here of a Coil pistol (like a small coilgun). From now on, anything under ---- is just random notes about something or other, maybe relating to previous entries like this one.
I think I can go far with this poem.
To the top. It beats all other poets in a ratio of 5:1.
Rhyming rhymes/grimes/slimes with sense? Genius.
Mark ftw.
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