Anyone in the range of nationalist/facist/racist is, by default, a lower form of life than the common tapeworm. The BNP, aka British Nazi Party fall nicely into this. I still can't believe their leader was cleared of racist charges - what kind of a shit BNP leader doesn't hate everyone who isn't white?
Anyway, today we're going to discuss Robert Kilroy Silk, the orange man with the IQ of tupperware and founder of the wonderful Veritas, like the BNP watered down through several stages of rock to produce natural pure git. He seems to be making his rounds of the narrow-minded idiot parties, starting off with UKIP and then - maybe they weren't cretinous enough for his tastes - forming his own party Veritas, which caused much amusement when people realised the word "ass" is part of it. How we laughed.
I must confess this man has annoyed me for quite some time. Hes's not quite worthy of our new weekly supplement "Shitrag of the Day" but he certainly comes into the git-o-meter somewhere between Ruth Kelly - Boy Wonder - and bloody monopolistic raving lunatic Rupert Murdoch, aka Mupert Rurdoch, aka Secret Twat Ninja #74.
It's reassuring that Kilroy is one of this country's most hated personalities. For those of you lucky enough to have never received retinal burns from viewing this fiend, here is a charming picture of him, presumably after he's been apple bobbing in his own shit. Or something. There are so many things wrong with this picture I don't know where to start.
Anyway, today we're going to discuss Robert Kilroy Silk, the orange man with the IQ of tupperware and founder of the wonderful Veritas, like the BNP watered down through several stages of rock to produce natural pure git. He seems to be making his rounds of the narrow-minded idiot parties, starting off with UKIP and then - maybe they weren't cretinous enough for his tastes - forming his own party Veritas, which caused much amusement when people realised the word "ass" is part of it. How we laughed.
I must confess this man has annoyed me for quite some time. Hes's not quite worthy of our new weekly supplement "Shitrag of the Day" but he certainly comes into the git-o-meter somewhere between Ruth Kelly - Boy Wonder - and bloody monopolistic raving lunatic Rupert Murdoch, aka Mupert Rurdoch, aka Secret Twat Ninja #74.
It's reassuring that Kilroy is one of this country's most hated personalities. For those of you lucky enough to have never received retinal burns from viewing this fiend, here is a charming picture of him, presumably after he's been apple bobbing in his own shit. Or something. There are so many things wrong with this picture I don't know where to start.

The guy who threw that shit at him deserves a medal, a knighthood, an expensive car, private jet and large country mansion.
LOL that picture is pure genius.... <3 it, anyways kilroy ..... one stupid man, losing his own chat show by a racist comment on it XD
Can I just ask how "Shitrag of the Day" can be a weekly award?
No. No you can't.
It does not matter, I have found the answer for my self.
It involves the following words:
1: Mark
2: is
3: a
4: moron.
omg this shithole has become even more boring without me i give it 2 weeks top before youu give up on this idea
Its been going for quite a while now. I doubt it'll stop in two weeks. And to be honest, I'd never noticed that you'd gone, although now that you're back, I do wish that you were gone again.
I said he should change it to Shitrag of the Week before he even posted this latest entry, but alas, he ignored me.
OMG you stupid american bassoon, the world does not revolve around you.
Kudos on the grammar too. A total lack of full stops, capital letters etc.
I also find it funny that you claimed that America wins at everything, but yet you have failed to produce a convincing argument that proves this.
You seriously need to grow up and consider your own intelligence before insulting ours by talking to us.
Well, if it was really boring I don't think my friends would still be coming here do you? And I'll take this opportunity to say thanks to everyone who posts, I hugely appreciate it :)
Well, everyone but one.
Also, you give it two weeks tops. I choose to accept this as a challenge, and from your lack of grammar, I deem the wager to be an Oxford English Dictionary. Therefore, in a fortnight I expect to see one in the post.
Well actually I win cos I see your racist antieamerican are finsihed. And really now the blog has become tyred and lazy.'Shitrag' is a worst idea ever. I applaud the woman who got that disgusting game banned. Guess what its only a game get over it. There are amny more fun and interesting things to do with life. It dont resolve around one one little gAME. also is that enough punctuation and full stops for ya?
No-one gives a shit what you say, you were an accident and you were subsequently adopted. Little do you know - but this is your fifteenth set of parents; all the others abandoned you (despite the huge government grants).
No-one likes you, and you're a twat! Have a nice day.
Stupid american BASSOON!
Yes, the BASSOON thing was on purpose I can tell you. LONG story.
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