Tuesday, June 27, 2006


The USA breaks so many laws it took me a while to compress them all into a blog entry that didn't drag on until after the universe has died a cold and horrible death.
Firstly, torture. The USA is practically the only country that seems to think it has the right to ignore the Geneva Convention and simple human rights in order to extract information from "terrorists", who are held without trial or even charge for months on end. Only a fraction of those currently held in Guantanamo Bay have actually been charged with anything, almost all of them are innocent, and they are denied the right to defend themselves or even contact the outside world.
When the world wised up to this we hoped that things might stop. But naturally nothing is going to stop the USA until they have tortured as many innocent people as possible "He looks like a Muslim - ARREST HIM!". They then started the process of "Extraordinary Rendition" - transporting people to other countries where they would be tortured. The UK denies any involvement in this, despite the fact that planes have landed at our airports part-way on their route. Bush now seeks to close Guantanamo, but only because of all the negative publicity it has created. Likely they will open dozens of much smaller "Black Sites" to avoid the attention of the public.
Next, the various ways in which Bush's first election was rigged. While Bush probably needs a team of highly trained men to assist him when tying his shoelaces (unless he still uses velcro) he and his cronies managed to mastermind that election in several ways. Thousands of black voters were ignored because black people are simply more likely to vote Democrat than Fasci-...Republican. Thousands of votes were ignored because they were Democrat and not Republican. Lastly, a computer program was created to SWITCH ROUND what voters said in online-voting areas (such as Florida) and was naturally only used to change Democrat votes. Much of this happened in Florida, the vital Swing-state that got Bush "elected" when he won with his inbred sibling Jeb Bush as Governor. There's a coincidence.
There is also a vast amount of corruption in the higher echelons of government, but I mentioned much of this in my previous post. Another good example is the famous Enron (for those of you who don't know, this vast company was maintained by huge amounts of accountancy fraud). Huge support is sent to the Republican party just because once they were "elected", those who donated money were given the usual - tax cuts, business deals and the like. Tax cuts for the rich apparently solves all the world's problems, atleast in the USA.
Finally the various aspects of the Big Brother state you can see in America, and more and more recently in the UK. Phones can be tapped without needing a court order and everthing you say over the phone or send over the internet is monitored. Various atrocities have even been commited against ordinary people in America. In the 1950s a potential toxin was released into the San Francisco water supply to see what it would do. Various soldiers have been unwitting tests to various viruses and diseases.
Tomorrow : The American State.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The American State? Bad.

8:00 pm  
Blogger dj chainz said...

On farenheit 911 Michael Moore shows footage of all the people protesting because their votes were ignored. Apparently, to get a petition recognised in America, it has to be signed by a senator; unsurprisingly no senator would sign or recognise the petitions that proved George Bush was not meant to have won his position. Because they'd lose their jobs.

That's not legality at all.

10:34 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, it's quite clear that the Bush administration rigged Florida as the election coverage showed literally thousands of people lining up ready to vote Democrat. Yet Bush still won....

Also, Kanye West was obviously right when he said, on live TV during a charity broadcast for the people of New Orleans "George Bush doesn't care about black people". Of course, after the shock that lasted approximately 30 seconds, a lot of white Americans probably realised that they don't either.

10:39 am  
Blogger Mkzrj said...

You have a point there.

8:06 pm  

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