Saturday, June 17, 2006


There is a "subtle" different in mentality between those who watch David Blaine in America, and those who observe him over here.
David Blaine and Derren Brown - despite sharing initial letters - have pulled apart recently in my opinion of them. Derren Brown is cool, some of the tricks he does are bizarre and make your brain ache, plus he's a great showman ontop of all that. David Blaine, on the other hand, used to do some really rather good card tricks, like that one with the card in the shop window. That was actually good. But now - especially after his bloody goldfish bowl stunt - he is little more than a moist git.
That man annoys me so much. Sitting for several days in a box/water-filled "Twat-o-sphere" does not make you a magician. There is nothing incredible about starving yourself.
When David Blaine did his box-in-the-air stunt in London, people swore at him and hurled eggs in his general direction. Good for them. However, in the USA when he did his bowl stunt everyone applauded him and said "We love you David" and other such mindless babblings of the cretinous rabble. When he was rescued from his goldfish bowl because he couldn't hold his breath or shat himself or something, he thanked everyone for coming there.
This shows something. The American public is far more willing to contragulate morons for acts of immense stupidity than we are. We just insult people like that. Much wiser.
So who do you think is better? Blaine or Brown? (the answer is brown).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well of course Brown is better. If the two had a duel, then Brown would win because he would persuade Blaine that he couldn't hold is breath for 10 seconds let alone 8 minutes, and thus Blaine would drown. Simple as that. And I haven't seen Blaine manage to make people commit an armed robbery.

Also, I would like to see how people over here reacted should, say, I dunno, just as an example I guess, Pat Robertson, came over to this country and did one of his Puke-a-plenty Dollar-Donating Healing-Hoax Extravaganzas. I'm sure we would laugh him back to that proverbial shithole of a place, also know, to the more generously minded people as the Deep South of the USA.

8:29 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Derren Brown wins hands down, 10 times out of 10. I love his TV series, especially when he would walk up to people, talk to them for a bit and then manage to get away with their phones and other valuables, including housekeys.
David Blaine, on the other hand, walks up to people, talks to them for a bit and then rolls away in a sphere full of crap. Or water.

I reckon that we should employ Derren Brown to hypnotise all of the foreign football teams to be crap against England. Or make it so that when England get the ball, the other team pretends to have their feet stuck to the floor. Or something that would allow England to win.

8:57 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


No explanation needed.

P.S. The time zone is very wrong on here.

9:18 pm  

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