Tuesday, June 13, 2006


Last night after counting how many inbreds in a row insulted me in Halo 2 (I lost count) I was too tired to update my blog. You heard it here first. However, as BBC news will report later today, the OFFICIAL reason was because I was too busy doing research.

In 1953, Josef Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili (more commonly known as Stalin - Man of steel) died. His assistants and other high ranking communists ordered the guards to his room not to wake him after his attack (most likely a stroke) because they feared him. Lavrenty Beria (head of the NKVD) became second-in-command to Khrushchev, but he held most of the power despite Khrushchev being officially President. Six months later in a meeting of the Politburo, Khrushchev, Malenkov and Molotov accused Beria of being a British spy. Troops marched in and the Politburo was surrounded by T34 tanks. He was arrested, denied defence or the ability to speak for his own actions, taken out and shot.
Why am I giving a history lesson? The right to trial is something we think everyone has these days. Despite the classic RvB quote "Why would we bother having trials for innocent people? Waste of resources." we assume everyone has a trial. Things like Beria's murder are assosciated with the days of Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao, Hitler and the rest of the maniacs.
But apparently not so. Guantanamo bay nicely goes against this rule where almost everyone there has had no trial. And in our country, people can be forced to give in their name and address to the police for doing NOTHING, and can be arrested without reason for a month. A man wearing a T-shirt that read "Bush, Blair and Sharon should be indicted for war crimes" (very true) was forced to give in all his details despite not breaking a law. Same goes for a man campaigning against ID cards. America and Britian have a reasonably low rating for freedom of speech compared to some other countries. The USA more so where everything is monitored, stored for several years and everyone is known about 100%.
Blair has been brave enough to say that Guantanamo is an "anomaly".
That's big of you Mr Blair! What will you say next? The moon orbits the earth? Holy FUCK!!!!
Here are a few other interesting facts about both the lack of freedom, and the paranoia of our elected leaders (except in the case of Bush, who did not actually win the election)
Satellites are in orbit over both countries which can read the newspaper you're reading.
Supposedly every bit of London and Washington DC is seen by atleast one security camera.
Everything on phone lines, mobile phones, email and internet is monitored and stored for 6 months - 3 years, depending on the situation.
Code words are listened in for on your phone line. (I once tried saying "Al-Qaida, July 7, March 11, September 11, Jihad, Bush, Blair, Sharon, Israel, Holy War, Dirty Bomb, Twin Towers, Madrid, Suicide Bomb) but nothing came of it. I felt slightly cheated by this.
In addition to illegal wire-tapping, in America there are over 600 empty prisons. They are fully guarded and anyone who comes near them is herded away. These wait incase of a full-scale revolution when the current jails and facilities might not be enough to put it down.
Post a comment or the goverment will get you...


Blogger dj chainz said...

Surely this comment is being monitored though... So if I do post, which I have, the government WILL get me ?!

10:40 am  
Blogger Mkzrj said...

Yes. Prepare to have your door barged down while you're asleep, get shot in the shoulder and then the police admit "Our best forensic people have found nothing, but there may still be something to find".
Good work guys.

10:43 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha. America, a free country?

5:18 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can the men in white coats take me instead of the government. Or do they work for the government. Or have the government already taken them? Or are they taking the government.
We must join the men in white coats and rise up against the government.
I am of course talking about Dentists. Even though my dentist doesn't wear a white coat.

1:36 pm  

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