Sunday, June 04, 2006


Today I was wondering what I could post for my latest blog entry. I was fresh out of ideas, not ready to start on my week-long 7-episode blog-post-a-ganza yet on a particular topic I feel particularly strongly about (wait and see). I went to get a drink, and I noticed on the bottlecap part of the design had been scratched off. By some bizarre quirk of fate, it looked like a stylised (badly drawn) pair of letters - EA. Electronic Arts.
Damn them. I despise that company. They take in all the good games producers and ruin them. Westwood Studios (creators of C&C for those who don't know) were a good company until EA engulfed them. Now, even though EA do nothing more than market the games, their logo appears first with that stupid bloody voice hissing "Electronic Arts. Challenge everything".
They get everywhere. Plus, they made Fifa Streets, a competitor for worst game ever along with Elf : The Movie : The Game, which was "so bad it's good because you're laughing at how bad it is."
Valve (makers of Half-life) got it right. They ditched their publisher and are now self-marketing. There is no reason giants like EA should get the profits because they actually do NOTHING to make the game, nothing at all. Except in the case of wonderful Fifa Streets, because that abomination was actually made by EA Sports.
All huge global companies are, by definition, bad. Do some research on wonderful Enron for another example. That's why Microsoft are being fined many millions of dollars constantly because they hold such a monopoly on the market. Their products are good (while bug-ridden, annoying, and infested by that bloody paperclip) but they certainly kick Linux and *laugh* Mac.
So EA should go away. Just stop stealing any profit from games companies who actually do more than make some shitty game about kicking a ball around on a street.
But not even Fifa Streets is as bad as that brilliant Volleyball game, the name of which escapes me right now. Instead of buttons to spike, dig, etc, between shots a menu comes up and gives you the option of what to do. The game freezes and you pick the move you want. It's like the Hobbit game on the Spectrum ZX, but in a bad way.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, if I remember correctly, then EA actually publish several of Valve's games at the moment, so even the creators of Half Life and *that sound that always plays when some enlightening religious experience takes place* Counter Strike have been sucked into the game digesting gelatinous blob that is the Electronic Arts branding machine.

5:22 pm  
Blogger Mkzrj said...

Do they? I might be wrong, but they are certainly self-marketing HL. Maybe some of their other games though... *sob*

5:49 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

EA have yet to ruin Criterion (makers of Burnout and Black) though, so there is still hope.

4:50 pm  

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