Wednesday, May 31, 2006


Today I decided to play Civilization. Despite the fact I have the modern wonders of an XBox, Gamecube and 2 high-spec PCs, I instead played a game that struggled to maintain its stunning 256 graphics, and glitches now and then to send screeching DEATH out of the computer speakers. To get an impression of this, try feeding James Blunt through your speakers, backwards, at 10x speed on a never-ending loop.
Anyway. The game is still fantastic. More complex than most turn-based strategies, you even have to choose the political system your empire follows. A huge array of units, maps and buildings improves it further. It spawned a wave of slightly-less-amazing sequels, then the excellent Alpha Centurai. Which I also have.
My only complaint is the combat system. For some reason I've seen a bowman take down my tanks. I'm sorry, but that doesn't happen. At the end of E3, people decided that the new focus wouldn't be on graphics, but on physics. But gameplay is a lot more important. I could draw the graphics from Civilization on paint in half an hour, but that doesn't make the game any worse. Go play it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Obviously you have no experience of war if you have never seen a bowman take down a tank.

It's like a Medal of Hono(u)r game. One man takes down the entire German war effort on his own. As you do.

10:21 pm  
Blogger Mkzrj said...

Yes, but that's based on real life *shifty eyes*
Last time I looked at the world's history, the Mongols did not destroy the Americans. But that sure happened in the Civ game I played today...

10:33 pm  

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