Friday, June 02, 2006


Today in the Guardian I saw an advert for "United 93" the film about the planes involved in the bombings on 11th of September, 2001. Clearly, all film adverts try to put the most positive reviews on their adverts. A display of five/four star ratings is always good. But I have NEVER seen a film so overwhelmed with five-star ratings and "OMFG I WET MYSELF THIS FILM IS SO GOOD" as United 93.
Now it may be a good film, or I may be very cynical. But I think no-one dared to give it less than 5 stars, because as we all know the September 11 bombings were the single worst thing that ever happened to anyone ever in the history of the world ever. Ever. Or perhaps we don't. Because it WASN'T the worst thing ever. Shock horror.
Yes, it was bad. 2,000 or whatever it was innocent people dying is a very bad thing. But thousands more die every day from poverty/starvation/aids/disease/civil war/american foreign policy. But do we hear about them? Ofcourse not, because it's not Americans dying. Well, it's reported in the news but it gets none of the attention that the bombings did, not a fraction.
And THIS is why I refuse to say "9/11". It does not deserve a special date title. We don't have special title for Stalin's purges, Mao Tse Tung's lunacy, and all the assorted massacres in Africa and South America. We know of them, but they don't get a special title, when they were so much worse.
So please, someone give the film a fair rating, not just 5-stars because it is the most tragic tragedy ever.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another reason for not saying "9/11" is that it's the wrong way round. The event was on the 11th of September, not the 9th of November.

Honestly, for such a horrible event, you would expect them to get the date right.

2:01 pm  
Blogger Mkzrj said...

That also. There truly is NO SENSE in putting month before day. *rants*

2:48 pm  

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