Saturday, June 10, 2006


This blog entry is going to go through two different topics, starting with a quote which is apparently unrelated to both.
In the Matrix, Morpheus tells Neo that "There's something wrong. You've felt it your whole life..."
While Keanu Reeves may have thought this was about the fact that he's sometimes asked to take on an acting role that requires more than jumping about and hitting stuff, I'm thinking about something else.
For the past two days there has been a car parked outside my house. That may seen like nothing particularly remarkable, but this is a car that might as well be replaced by a glittering neon light displaying the word "Cretin" in every language.
It's the size of 2 cars, for a start. It's a bloody 4x4 SUV thing, with that added attachment at the back for hurling your excess children in. I say that, but no doubt it's only owned by one person. As the adverts in GTA : San Andreas said "I'm a single woman with no long relationship. So ofcourse I need a 4x4 capable of housing eight people that's equipped to drive across Arctic Tundra!"
It totally covers the street outside our house, forcing us to park away. Our street should have resident only parking, but that's another rant...
That's one thing. Secondly, it is waving half a dozen England flags. There is nothing wrong with supporting your country, but you don't need to go around your own country smothering everyone with it. There is too much world-cup fever as it is.
But the thing is freaking massive. It probably belches out the same amount of pollution as a small country. And pollution is undoubtable a big problem. For those of you as slow on the uptake as a certain Caboose, this is the second part.
The USA and China are easily the most to blame. The USA because they seem determined to turn the world into a second sun, and China because they are the fastest growing economy in the world, importing so much oil and coal it makes your head spin. Very soon I fear the world is buggered in some way or other. It may be from the Greenhouse effect, pollution, an asteroid, nuclear war, or some other cataclysm. Thousands of species and environments are being wiped out because we're only thinking about this generation and not the next. Meetings like Kyoto tried to do something about this, but with a certain country refusing to sign and most countries failing to meet their demands...
George Bush does not even believe in global warming. Since the Thatcher days you simply deny all knowledge of wrong doing-
Thatcher. There's another rant.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You didn't have any comments on this post. So I thought I'd type something. Hope your happy :)

But to make sure, I'll post something of some value. Well, minimal value. Anyway, Keanu Reeves is in a new film at the moment. And it looks quite a normal film. In other words, he wont be any good in it. Poor Keanu. He just can't act. Actually, I don't think he's as bad as everyone else in the world, although there are certainly better ones.
And there is never too much World Cup fever (unless we lose a match, then just quickly forget it ever happened.)

1:35 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you not seen the might of "Bill And Ted"? But on the whole, Keanu's acting skill ranges from "suprised/confused to suprised/confused"

World Cup fever is annoying, because surely the whole point of being a patriot is that you support your country at all times instead of when there is some football on TV. Yet when England lose, suddenly no-one cares any more......

4:56 pm  

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