Monday, June 05, 2006


Today in the Maths exam, we were reminded for the umpteenth time that we weren't allowed mobile phones in the exam room, and if we did we would be hung by our entrails. "Even if switched off" we must still hand them in.
WHY? People of a certain age seem afraid of technology. The mobile phone is not your enemy, it will not launch some crafty sneak attack to interrupt the exam. NOTHING CAN HAPPEN when the phone is switched off. It cannot ring, it cannot vibrate, all it can do is sit in your pocket like a lemon.
Someone once made a very good comment about technology. Anything you're born with is normal. Any new technology in the first 20 years of your life you can make a career out of. Anything invented after that is sick and wrong.
But the trend of "Silver Surfers" seems to deny this. While I've never played any grandparents online (perhaps their fingers are too slow to respond) the number of elderly people surfing the web is growing. They don't seem afraid. But that gap in the middle generally are. We should be allowed to use laptops in the exam rooms, because they're better, you can correct yourself, and I type even faster than I write. Apparently soon there will be a Computer Games GCSE. That would have been a guaranteed A* had it been around now. But the world is slowly growing to embrace technology. I think our generation might be different though, since the speed of advances has never been greater. We have to keep up, or we'll be left behind...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes. We must fight against this evil - oh wait. Um... Wrong idea.
Although it is certainly true. People above a certain age, I would say about 55, do seem afraid of advancement. They preach all these 'traditional values'. Well I eat tradition for breakfast, lunch and tea, generally with a generous blob of clotted cream.
I'm not so sure about letting laptops into exams though. It would make it easier to cheat. And some people would just end up with even shitter hand writing. And having seen some people's hand writing...*tries to make sense of squiggle* Anyway, I'm ranting.

10:31 pm  
Blogger Mkzrj said...

Mmm. There are a couple of people I know who just physically can't...actually...write. It just looks as if they hurled a packet of pens at the paper to see what happens...

12:32 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

*shifty eyes...*

10:44 pm  

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