Monday, June 26, 2006


Now we come to the second part of “Why America sucks”, commonly entitled the American government, even though it does very little governing, and it shouldn’t be doing any because it WASN’T ELECTED.
The bare bones of why the Bush “administration” wasn’t elected can be quickly summed up by saying some Democrat votes were ignored, and some Democrat votes were simply replaced by Republican ones. I’ll go into that in more detail tomorrow with “American Legality”, possibly a contradiction in terms. But for now I will cover what this government has achieved while it has been in power.
To begin with, some of the more endearing personalities the Bush administration has brought thankfully into the public eye. Let’s start with the man himself, George W Bush, affectionately known as “Dubya”. This man is of course the son of the old George Bush. From Reagan onwards, consecutive Republican Presidents have destroyed America in much the same way that Thatcher achieved over here. Clinton was not as good as everyone said, read some Michael Moore books if you want to know why.
George Bush has appointed to positions of power not people who were elected, but rather those who are his closest allies and friends. Government does not work like this! It’s even less representative of the people than the crazy American voting system normally is, with a disproportionate amount of Republicans in power. He even appointed a high-court judge with NO legal experience whatsoever, simply because they were friends.
Bush has circumvented thousands of laws. Instead of laws being passed in the old traditional way, it now works like this. A law is decided on and voted in. It is sent to Bush, who then RE-WORDS it how he likes to make sure none of his allies or the Republicans should suffer. That is the law that is then passed. Since he has been in power Bush has ruled more like a Monarchy than Democracy. He should therefore be known as King George I. At least our King George spent time killing dragons rather than circumventing UN resolutions.
There are few things more incompetent than the American government other than Steam or Norton Anti-virus, but nothing else is so full of itself. The USA has not paid its money to the running of the UN for several years now but yet they remain a member of the security council. They ignore dozens of resolutions, the Iraq war being but one example. It was an illegal war, people, though the thought of having rules for wars seems a little odd. The USA even breaks human rights, and massively decieves the public with Black Operations (see "American Military").
The American Government also sees it as its duty to crush as many small countries as possible. One example is the outrageous persecution of Palestine by the American-funded Israel (an illegal state anyway). They will fund whatever country or regime suits them to achieve their needs. The American Government even funded the Nazis before World War II because it would benefit them. They armed Iraq and some of Al-Qaida when it was useful for them.
Corruption also plays a huge part, but that will be covered in "American Legality", as will more detail about how the election was rigged and the simple fact that Dubya DID NOT WIN.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahh the land of the free........

10:45 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure he did win otherwise why would he be ruling? Oh I know maybe there was never any point voting and it was all a fix. Except no it were't because politics don't work like that and I should know because I learn politics lollollollollollollollol

10:49 am  
Blogger Mkzrj said...

I learn politics also and I've been politically aware for as long as I can remember. Bush did not win the election, it WAS rigged. I'll explain how in today's entry.
I think you mean no it wasn't, not weren't.

1:38 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Um whateva

7:23 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

At least have the courgae to tell us who you are - other than "typically-bigotted- racist-ignorant American-number -1"


7:58 pm  
Blogger Mkzrj said...

You say whatever = I win.

10:26 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG so much hate: "At least have the courgae to tell us who you are - other than "typically-bigotted- racist-ignorant American-number -1" oo thats funny. At least Americans are really freindly and help people. You're just mean. I wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire. END OF.

4:17 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haha! You know when people use the phrase "End of." to end their argument that they know that they've nothing else good to say.

Americans are really friendly huh? I've been to America twice - and I have contact with many Americans every single day - and do you know how many friendly ones I've found? Let's put it this way - I can count them on two hands (that's "less than 10" for those [Americans] who can't count their own fingers).

Also - again with the wide sweeping statements - I'm mean am I? You've never even met me. Moron. The funniest thing is that you probably won't even notice the irony in that statement. (Hint: Irony does NOT mean "like iron". That might help.)

At least I can use proper grammar and spelling too. What the fuck is a "lollollollollollollollol"? Is it a kind of bird?

Get a life - and stop spamming other peoples' blogs with your unwanted, blindly patriotic comments.

By the way - you're still a coward - and I would piss on you: on fire or not.

Sorry for being a meany-pants,


6:39 pm  
Blogger Mkzrj said...


6:41 pm  
Blogger Mkzrj said...

Please move all discussion to the more recent blog entries :)

9:51 am  

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