Thursday, June 29, 2006


This is going to be a comparatively short entry, because while there is a lot to say about how the USA stunningly wastes much of its money, lots of the points are very similar.
The budget of the USA is around $2.8 trillion. It is wildly mis-spent.
For starters, no other country spends over $80bn on military, not even post-superpower Russia or rapidly growing China. But naturally the USA feels the need to defend against the enemies that, for the most part, it has made up and really pose no threat. Does it spend $100bn? $200bn? That's over twice what China spends. In fact America spends an appalling $480bn on "defence", which generally consists of shooting at people in caves and bombing innocents (See "American Military" tomorrow). This is an obscene amount of money devoted to killing other human beings. Exactly what this money goes to will be discussed in more detail tomorrow...
A comparatively small amount of cash is poured into Education. There isn't really much else to say about that, but the results are clear for all to see.
Finally (yes, this is short) lots of money goes mysteriously "missing". Some goes into secret funds, a large amount is channeled into the NSA, Black Ops (see Military again) and some simply cannot be traced. Yes, that is all for today.

I do not in fact hate all Americans without distinguishing. There are many intelligent people in the USA, and it has also produced hundreds of fine authors, actors and artists. Despite this, the prevailing trends and facts still hold true. Some of the best outspoken critics of the awful state the country is in come from the USA, e.g Green Day.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What kind of "queer-ass" name is "anonymous"? And if we're going to bring it to the personal insults level: you're a meany pants. There - I've said it [/sarcasm]

Oh no! He's insulting my country by saying that Mancurians are easy! So are American hicks - but that's a personal issue, not part of a political debate. So some people in England have loose morals? So do "some people" in every country in the world - your statement proves nothing - other than the fact that you can't think of any decent arguments - so you're spouting rubbish.

There are no "wannabe gangstas" in Soho. There are London Mobsters - but thankfully, we haven't had a perpetration on such epic proportions of "gangsta culture" as America has.

And what's wrong with being a "wannabe gangsta"? You're thereby implying with that statement that being a "real" "gangsta" is a good thing. Of course - murdering and armed robbery is a good thing in America! How silly of me to forget...

By the way - you don't need to put that it was "irony". We don't need the footnotes in England; we're not as dumb as rocks in a bag.

Also - PLEASE TALK PROPERLY! It's "our women" not "are women". The way you put it - it should be a question...

Hayden (and proud of my Welsh heritage).

Ps. To repeat what Mark said - I am not racist, I like some Americans. It's just that the vast majority are ass-hats. Including Mr. Anonymous.

8:48 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd quickly like to say something about guns - I agree with gun ownership, it's just that many Americans seem to not know how to control themselves in relation to such lethal items.

I also think that gun ownership should be a priviledge - not a right.


8:53 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


The Killer 7 from Resident Evil 4 is a Colt 1911 ( - a Colt 1911) with a frame mounted (ridiculously large) laser sight - such as the one that Arnie uses in terminator ( - a similar one)

Hope that helps,



7:49 pm  
Blogger Mkzrj said...

My thanks to you good sir. Move all comments to the latest entry.

9:24 pm  

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