Wednesday, June 28, 2006


Now we move onto the American State. By this I mean anything that is wrong with just “how things are done” in the USA. They have a lot to answer for, both because they are ruining the lives of millions of their own people, millions of others around the globe, and potentially helping doom the entire planet. What a dramatic introduction.
For a start the US of A lacks any kind of national health service. While the NHS gets less medial things done than a machine which randomly hurls syringes, atleast rich and poor alike are entitled to health care. Not so in America. Thousands of poor people die monthly because the american government feels perhaps the poor aren't worthy of being healed? Or maybe the Land of the Free would be better off without the poor people which remind those being handed out tax cuts just how lucky they are?
America also puts far too high an emphasis on sport. I like some sports, but in the USA things are so much more extreme. For a start, they actively encourage wrestling but the vast majority of America is homophobic. Quote San Andreas : "It’s entirely believable sports action! Grown men fighting in leotards with their bare hands and thighs! This is MANLY, not homoerotic!" Schools in the USA also give positions to those who are sporty even if they don't meet the basic academic requirements of the school, e.g. the ability to communicate without a series of grunts (often difficult to understand for those less neanderthal).
As an extension of the American belief that they have the right to police and control the rest of the world, ignoring laws that were put in place to stop things like this, they also seem to think the USA should "control" South America. This makes me think of the days of the Cold War and East European countries being labelled the Soviet "Sphere of Influence".
South America has their own countries, their own governments, and they don't need the USA interfering (see "American Lies" for info on planned assassinations). You have nothing to do with these countries, Cuba being a good example. In fact, a plan named Operation Northwood was drawn up to try and remove Castro from power by faking the high-jacking of a plane in Twin Towers fashion. The remote-controlled plane would then crash, killing hundreds of innocent people (Black Ops agents with fake IDs who left at the airport without boarding the plane) and somehow Cuba would be implicated. Some even claim this happened in the Twin Towers, but even I don't believe that. America would not destroy their own centre for trade, even if it did give them a convinient excuse for war.
The USA is also wrecking the environment. George "Fuckwit" Bush refuses to acknowledge that global warming exists and so they are doing nothing to cut their carbon emissions. Even fast-growing China isn't destroying the environment so badly.
Finally, gun "control". Ha. Someone is injured every few minutes with a gun in the USA and 80 people are killed DAILY. A high proportion of these are children. If you insist of giving everyone guns to defend against others with guns (think about how stupid that is) atleast mind who you give them to. Recently some insane old man gave a young kid both shotgun barrels in the face for walking across his lawn. Which - I saw a picture - looked shit anyway, before the kid walked over it. Canada has almost as many guns as you but it is actually a rare occurance for someone to be gunned down there - people feel so safe many leave their doors open. While selling guns to anyone with the cash is one of the world's stupidest ideas, up there with perhaps inflatable dartboards and the like, it's the people who go around killing with them.
Still to come :
American Military, Lies, and Budget. Tomorrow : The Budget (AKA the world's greatest waste of money TM)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good old America. The ultimate model of a free country, as said by people the world ov- people in America. Of course Capitalism is the best way to run a country - fuck the poor (not literally), give all the money to the rich. They can pay for healthcare. Wait! They can't afford it. Yet another example of why Capitalism SUCKS!
And this pseudo-emphasis on economical gain for the rich is the single reason that they wouldn't have destroyed the world trade centre themselves. Someone elses trade centre, maybe, but their own, no chance.
As for the sport thing, I have to disagree. There seems to be a vague anti-sport subtheme running through your blog, and I disapprove. I won't go into the sports scholarships like they have in America far more than here and benefits them and their country greatly, and start to explain that in many cases education is actually forced upon these sports people. Oh, wait a second... But seriously, ever wondered by places like Austrailia and the US are so much better than us at sport?
As for guns. Yeah they're cool. Maybe everyone visiting America should be entitled to them aswell. See how well that would go down when the mass murdering... continues.

11:03 pm  
Blogger Mkzrj said...

I said I like some sports and I see their place in the world, but I still feel they value it too highly in the USA over intellectual pursuits...

9:51 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interestingly - it isn't the prescene of guns which blights America so - it is the mentatlity of those that they are purchased by.

For example - in Switzerland, every single adult male (over 18) is forced by the government to do military training (for a short period) and then to have an assualt rifle, and many rounds of ammunition in their home. Yes - ever single household in Switzerland has at least one fully automatic assault rifle with enough rounds to start a war. Or more precisely - to defend against a war - as that is what the scheme's purpose is - to have a defensive milita.

So, an American houshold has a, maybe, 50% chance of having any type of gun gun in it? And a Swiss househole has a 99% chance of having a fully automatic assault rifle in it. So - the swiss are about 4 times as "gunny".

But which country has higher gun crime statistics?

America - 50 gun related crimes per 100,000 people per year.
Switzerland - 2 gun related crimes per 100,000 people per year.

America = fail.


11:47 am  
Blogger Mkzrj said...

As you say, it is down to those who use them. While giving everyone guns is, without doubt, a stupid idea, it is down to the mentality of those who use them. I didn't know every house in Switzerland had an assault rifle though...

1:59 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

America=fail Oh if you put that then I win haha Um yes poor people should get jobs instead of stealing and drug taking and then theyd have money for healthiness.

USA beats u at every sport and wrestling isn't homoerotic. Ever watched a fulfil your fantasy match? Where the girls are dressed in nurse/schoolgirl/french maid outfits hit each with pillows and pull off each other clothes and spank each other. Or bra n panties match where the object is to strip your opponent to their bra n panties. Or mud matches or xmas matches where they dress in santa outfits and catfight in tubs of gravy and cake. And have you ever seen Trish Stratus? Torrie Wilson? Stacy Kiebler? Look on and then make your mind up.

And you need guns to defend agains t the poor who steal and rob you. DUH! lollollollollollollol

2:52 pm  
Blogger Mkzrj said...

Please, PLEASE say you are kidding about your stereotypes about the poor.

4:06 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Um no Im not wtf is a stereotype anyway and anyway they are all druggies. If thery were good epopel they wouldnt run away from home and also theyd do some thing PRODUCTIVE (bet you dont know what that means)like a get a job or help people but no they punch elderly people and thats why we need guns.

4:19 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think a Morgan Spurlock 30 days program tackled this issure. He spent 30 days working on the American Minimum wage (which is, by the way, a pathetic amount and should be changed. Your country is the richest, and the amount it is is therefore pathetic. Learn a thing from Europe for a change) and his life was extremely difficult. I think what it proves is that even if the poor try, your country is designed in a way which makes it impossible for them to ever accomplish anything. The poor cant afford good education, therefore cant get good job, therefore stay poor. Atleast here the minimum wage is higher.

4:50 pm  
Blogger Mkzrj said...

Stereotype : Labelling all the people in a certain class/group in one way, typically done by one with little or no knowledge of that group.
As someone who has been called the "Human Thesaurus" before ( thanks Hayden :D ) I do infact know what "Productive" means. We have already proven that you don't seem to know the meaning of any words I post longer than a few letters.

There is SO MUCH wrong with what you just said I don't know where to begin. A tiny minority of rich, poor and fairly well-off people are "druggies". Why do people take drugs? For a start, it is an enjoyable thing, and they affect the limbic centre in the brain (the pleasure zone in simpler terms). Or maybe they do it to look cool. If people are depressed then they do it to be happy. Some people turn to drugs simply for excitement. We see drug use constantly in the media (you know, TVs and stuff). Thousands of "celebrities" and those who are more well-off take drugs, and they are rolling in money. Thus, wealth has nothing to do with drugs.

Next, stealing and robbing. Only a tiny fraction of poor people consider stealing and only a tiny fraction of those people actually do. Perhaps if the well-off people were kinder and less stingy with their money it wouldn't happen. Also, the minimum wage in your country is half what it is here. Besides, if you are robbed, you lose a watch. Big deal. Maybe they can now afford to eat for another few weeks. If you believe trivial possessions are more important than human life...

Yes, all poor people do nothing all day but punch the elderly. If you seriously believe that incredible narrowminded and incorrect view then you're a lost cause quite frankly. Very few people are Gerontophobic and hardly any actually do anything about it. Besides, many elderly people are themselves unpleasant to the younger generation. Apparently we have it so easy these days it's a wonder we're not all jumping for joy 24/7.

So, the upshot of all this is verbal diarrhoea. Or to put it another way, you're talking shit ;)

5:05 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do I care? NO

5:26 pm  
Blogger Mkzrj said...

Thus, once again, we win.

6:11 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In case you couldn't tell, Mr. I'm-a-dumbfucking-retard, MKZRJ was being just a little sarcastic about the homo-erotic wrestlers thing. That wasn't his piece-de-resistance (that's in French by the way - from France [a different country to England, not that most Americans make any distinction]).

You're just further proving that you have no decent arguments against what we're saying by saying that you don't care. Obviously you do care - you care enough to read this blog, and put your fingers (all ten of them - remember?) to keyboard to write another flawed and idiotic argument as to why America rockz (optional "z" also available) - "we degrade women on national television in naked wrestling! Lolollollolololl!" [ subtly different to the lollollollolll bird - in that it has green plumage] Editor.

I would also like to highlight my good friends' arguments on the American minimum wage - it is acutally half of the British minimum wage. Now if our governement has decided that that is the MINIMUM {the smallest} ammount required for an adult to live on, then do you not think that a SMALLER {littler} wage would be a bad idea? Hmmm, I wonder why the rich-poor {lots of money - small bits of money} divide is so big in "the land of the free"? Could it be that the latter {the last one} half is living on a Government induced rate that is acutally LESS {littler} than the average hourly wage in Malaya (a third-world {bombable} country)?

Our survey says "Da-ding!"

I've been Les Dennis - thank you all,


Ps. Items in "{-}" are there for anonymous' benefit - as he is obviously a bit of a fool.

6:27 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is all so silly.

7:22 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, I've never seen anything quite so patronising, Hayden. It's almost impressive, but I don't think Mr. Anonymous is THAT stupid.
There's nothing (too much) wrong with the female wrestling, and I agree the women he named are incredibly hot (Stacy Keibler especially). It's the rest of the American sports that suck.

Don't knock the sport scholarships either, we have an almost similar system for Premiership Football (that's real football) in that youngsters are spotted and at about 15/16 they go to an academy and from there can break into professional football. And these people don't exactly have a large cranial capacity (ahem, David Beckham).

As for guns, it's just plain silly. In "The Terminator", Arnie comes back from the future, and after a while he walks into a gunstore. He gets one of the most powerful magnums in the world over the counter (the real version of Resident Evil 4's Killer7, I think), along with Uzis etc etc etc etc. It wouldn't surprise me if nuclear weapons became available over the counter, while America continues to condemn nuclear weapons for other countries.

And finally, Guantanamo Bay has been found to be officially illegal and against the Geneva contest. What the hell took them so long to realise?

7:55 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh those bracket things sure showed me. I would have never realised what smaller and minimum met. Haha I guess thats the 'legendry' sense of British humuor. Thats was irony by the way.

And are women degade ourseleves. Nothing wrong with a good bra n panties match but British women mm classy. Girls from that Mancheshire place-lovely chain smoking, gutter mouthed, legs fishwives puffing away, swearing with their legs spread wide open. Compare that with lovely Stacy Kiebler. And you can't forget Soho and all the wannabe gangsta's in England.

And what queer ass kind of name is hayden anyway?

8:18 pm  
Blogger Mkzrj said...

A. Have you been to MANCHESTER, not Macheshire? And before you say, yes, I HAVE been to the USA and have daily contact with Americans, so you can't turn that around.
B. Lol.
C. Lol.
D. Move to next entry please.

8:39 pm  
Blogger Mkzrj said...

And unless I'm greatly mistaken the Killer 7 is a Ruger Redhawk.

8:47 pm  

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