I hate a lot of people, and a lot of things. I also like many things but this list is probably dwarfed by those things I despise. Thus I have created a new feature which I will no doubt forget as soon as something more interesting happens to me like noticing a squirrel. I call it : Shitrag Of The Day.
And there is my banner, in all it's standard-template glory. Today's coveted prize of being randomly insulted for several paragraphs goes to That Stupid Old Bag Who Got San Andreas Banned In The US. Or, in brief, TSOBWGSABITUS. I like acronyms. From here on in she will be referred to therefore as TSOBWGSABITUS to make things briefer, easier to understand, and less aneurysm-inducing.
TSOBWGSABITUS no doubt supports those US senators who want to get all video games banned. I hate people like this who seem utterly convinced that they know best about what would benefit the youth of the nation. Take your pick : We take out aggression killing videogames characters (often in amusing ways) or go on gun rampages. 80 people a day in the US apparently choose incorrectly.
For those of you who don't know, she bought San Andreas (an 18 game) for her 13-year-old son, no doubt a moron if being A Stupid Old Bag Who Gets Fun Things Banned For No Good Reason (or ASOBWGFTBFNGR for short) runs in the family. Anyway, she realised it had 18 content, complained, and got the game banned. She's both ruined sales of what is, to be fair, a stunning game, and also denied loads of people from playing such a fun experience.
The weird thing is that it got banned because of the sexual content and the Hot Coffee Mod, NOT the violence. Again, it seems people would rather their citizens go round killing people than having sex. Am I the only one who sees some totally fucked up logic here?
So, TSOBWGSABITUS wins today's Shitrag of the Day Award. She can collect her prize in hell.

TSOBWGSABITUS no doubt supports those US senators who want to get all video games banned. I hate people like this who seem utterly convinced that they know best about what would benefit the youth of the nation. Take your pick : We take out aggression killing videogames characters (often in amusing ways) or go on gun rampages. 80 people a day in the US apparently choose incorrectly.
For those of you who don't know, she bought San Andreas (an 18 game) for her 13-year-old son, no doubt a moron if being A Stupid Old Bag Who Gets Fun Things Banned For No Good Reason (or ASOBWGFTBFNGR for short) runs in the family. Anyway, she realised it had 18 content, complained, and got the game banned. She's both ruined sales of what is, to be fair, a stunning game, and also denied loads of people from playing such a fun experience.
The weird thing is that it got banned because of the sexual content and the Hot Coffee Mod, NOT the violence. Again, it seems people would rather their citizens go round killing people than having sex. Am I the only one who sees some totally fucked up logic here?
So, TSOBWGSABITUS wins today's Shitrag of the Day Award. She can collect her prize in hell.
Remeber kids - sex is only legal at 18 - but violence is legal at 16! Yay! Let's all go and be violent until we're old enough to see some tits!
Well that's American logic for you. Or the lack of...
It's also been banned in Australia, but then the only games that aren't banned in Australia must involve none of the following:
Swearing, sex, violence, fish, giraffes, socks, fun, words, fish, pixels, programming, a disc, a game manual, fish, cheese and lastly a game at all.
Sex is legal at 16, yet sexual content in games/ films at 18. Thats what I find bizarre.
Anyway, I think some credit has to go to Jack Thompson, the lawyer who crafted the case against the game, and intends to ban all fun forever. Along with Hilary Clinton, who wants to ban all games with violence fullstop. I wonder if that will include sports games with injuries in. Either way, it leaves me wondering who I would rather win the next US election. Hilary Clinton will almost certainly be the 'Democrats' candidate, so I dont want her, and it doesn't matter who the Republicans have, they'll be shit.
Also, didn't I propose you have a Shitrag of the Day, albeit under the name of Shitpoo of the Day? Yes I did, and as such demand money.
Also, the real reason that the game was banned in Australia is that they dont have an 18 rating for games, and thus since it has sexual content it had to be banned, since there was no rating it could be given.
And finally, in Spain and Japan the age of consent is 12/13 - something like that. I wonder what they make of this?
And as for the guns thing, Americans see nothing wrong with senseless violence remember. But they are a country so deeply enshrined in sexual morales - homoosexuality, age of consent, sex in games etc - that this is obviously far more important than slaughtering hundreds of cops, FBI, soldiers etc.
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