"Today's entry is about the Zwinky."
"The what?"
So went a conversation on MSN earlier while I was discussing today's blog entry. Because this poses the question that has haunted man since he first walked the Earth - what is a Zwinky?
It's like a Weemee but with a few subtle differences.
1. Check out google images. Not a single Zwinky actually comes up, apart from some weird images that have nothing to do with this shitty thing.
2. The Weemee doesn't require you to download any software. As it turns out, the Zwinky does but I decided not to, which is just a good thing. Apparently it adds just to the Systray and has all kinds of spyware nastiness. It's strange that I didn't trust a site that contains cartoon characters stripping and exchanges clothes on the front page.
3. The Zwinky is evidently shit in comparison, as shown below. On the left you can see the glorious Weemee in all its interwebular glory, and on the right the paltry Zwinky.
As you can see from these two highly-realistic and undoctored pictures, the Zwinky is completely rubbish and is trying to fit into the world without success. In conclusion, if you want an amusing little cartoon which apparently looks something like you despite having a distinctly poor choice of hairstyles and clothes, go with the Weemee. Many thanks go to dj chainz for using Photoshop on the first picture while my useless PC is being de-buggered. It should be back tomorrow though!
"The what?"
So went a conversation on MSN earlier while I was discussing today's blog entry. Because this poses the question that has haunted man since he first walked the Earth - what is a Zwinky?
It's like a Weemee but with a few subtle differences.
1. Check out google images. Not a single Zwinky actually comes up, apart from some weird images that have nothing to do with this shitty thing.
2. The Weemee doesn't require you to download any software. As it turns out, the Zwinky does but I decided not to, which is just a good thing. Apparently it adds just to the Systray and has all kinds of spyware nastiness. It's strange that I didn't trust a site that contains cartoon characters stripping and exchanges clothes on the front page.
3. The Zwinky is evidently shit in comparison, as shown below. On the left you can see the glorious Weemee in all its interwebular glory, and on the right the paltry Zwinky.

Zwinky sounds like the Polish version of a slinky.
Well actually I win cos I see your racist antieamerican are finsihed. And really now the blog has become tyred and lazy.'Shitrag' is a worst idea ever. I applaud the woman who got that disgusting game banned. Guess what its only a game get over it. There are amny more fun and interesting things to do with life. It dont resolve around one one little gAME. also is that enough punctuation and full stops for ya?
lol at the fucktard!
Anyway - who said that this blog was anything to do with beign racist to Americans? It's certainly not the title, nor the theme of the majority of the entries.
Perhaps, but the spelling is still awful. And stating facts is not being racist. I have done nothing but state facts. If I said without any reason "All Americans are fags" - like your fellow countrymen say about us, I might add - that was being racist. I have backed up everything I've said.
You know, I would really appreciate it if you don't have anything nice to say on my blog, don't. Start your own if you want.
Also, there is no "e" in anti.
Tyred should be tired.
Is THE, not is A.
It's not a disgusting game, it's brilliant. Play it before you comment.
Many, not amny.
DOESN'T, not dont
game, not gAME.
Also, not also.
Now. Regardless of the fact that we disagree, I am now asking you kindly to stop posting unless you have something constructive to say. If you continue posting things that are just insults to a long-finished argument, I will IP ban you so you can never come here again.
I DON'T want to do that. Please do this.
dj chainz?
i'll out-photoshop him any day of the week.
I sense a photoshop duel brewing.
Alright. Anonymous, I am asking you kindly to please stop posting just insults otherwise I will have you IP banned. Simple as that.
If you don't like it here, don't come here.
No, it's not enough punctuation. You fail. Here are the corrections:
"Well actually I win cos I see your racist antieamerican are finsihed. And really now the blog has become tyred and lazy.'Shitrag' is a worst idea ever. I applaud the woman who got that disgusting game banned. Guess what its only a game get over it. There are amny more fun and interesting things to do with life. It dont resolve around one one little gAME. also is that enough punctuation and full stops for ya?"
1. "Cos" is technically not a word.
2. "antieamerican" is incorrect spelling, it should be "anti-American"
3."finsihed" is also incorrect. It should be spelt "finished".
4. "tyred" is just plain retarded. It should be "tired".
5. The use of "a" about the Shitrag awards is grammatically incorrect, and should be "the", but the statement is incorrect anyway.
6. "Guess what its only a game get over it" is also poor. Technically it should be "Guess what? It's only a game! Get over it!"
7. "amny" should be spelt "many"
8. "It dont resolve around one one little gAME." is awful. "Dont" isn't a word, it's "Don't", and the use of this is incorrect. You should have used "doesn't". "Resolve" should be "revolve", and the repetition of "one" is retarded. Also, "gAME" should be "game".
9. "also" should be spelt with a capital A, it begins a new sentence. It should then be followed with a comma.
10. "ya" is not a word, I think you meant "you".
So, in answer to your badly worded question:
No, your spelling and grammar is awful.
Yes, I am back to point out more grammatical errors.
The first post for examination is from Mr. Anonymous:
"America=fail Oh if you put that then I win haha Um yes poor people should get jobs instead of stealing and drug taking and then theyd have money for healthiness.
USA beats u at every sport and wrestling isn't homoerotic. Ever watched a fulfil your fantasy match? Where the girls are dressed in nurse/schoolgirl/french maid outfits hit each with pillows and pull off each other clothes and spank each other. Or bra n panties match where the object is to strip your opponent to their bra n panties. Or mud matches or xmas matches where they dress in santa outfits and catfight in tubs of gravy and cake. And have you ever seen Trish Stratus? Torrie Wilson? Stacy Kiebler? Look on and then make your mind up.
And you need guns to defend agains t the poor who steal and rob you. DUH! lollollollollollollol"
OK, let's get started.
1. "America=fail" technically is not correct. Using the word "equals" followed by "failure" would be better. This phrase should also be followed by a full stop.
2. "Oh if you put that then I win haha ". "Oh" should be followed by a comma. A full stop should be used after "win" and "haha" should not be used at all.
3. "Um" should not be used. Assuming this is deleted, "yes" should be written with a capital letter.
4. "theyd" should either be "they would" or "they'd".
5. "money for healthiness" could be better. "money to pay for health care with." would be better.
6. "The" should be inserted before "USA".
7. "u" is just a letter, instead "you" should be used here. And the USA does not beat us at every sport, for example:
Football (that's real football)
8. "bra n panties" should be written "bra'n'panties" to show the missing letters in "and".
9. "xmas" is not a word, it should be Christmas, although this error may be because of the WWE calling the event by that name.
10. "santa" should have a capital as it is a name.
11. "catfight" is not a verb, "fight" should be used instead.
12. "And" should not technically begin a sentence.
13. "agains t" should be "against".
14. "lollollollollollollol" is nothing. "lol" would suffice, but even this is not really a word.
Our second post is also from Mr. Anonymous.
"Um no Im not wtf is a stereotype anyway and anyway they are all druggies. If thery were good epopel they wouldnt run away from home and also theyd do some thing PRODUCTIVE (bet you dont know what that means)like a get a job or help people but no they punch elderly people and thats why we need guns."
1. "um" again should not be used. "no" would then need a capital.
2. "Im" is nothing, it should be "I'm".
3. There should be a full stop after "not".
4. "wtf" is not a word. Use the full expression please.
5. A question mark (?) should be used after the first "anyway" as it is a question. This correction would then lead to the deleting of "and anyway" and beginning a new sentence with "They".
6. "thery" should be spelt "they".
7. "epopel" should be "people"
8. "wouldnt" is missing an apostrophe. It should be "wouldn't".
9. "home" should end the sentence. "Also," would then begin a new sentence.
10. "PRODUCTIVE" should not be in capitals.
11. "Dont" is not a word, it should be "don't".
12. "help people" should then be followed with a full stop. The next sentence would then be "Instead, they.."
13. "thats" should be "that's" to show the missing "i" from "that is".
Learn to speak English please.
Also, this blog is not racist. As my good friend MKZRJ said, this blog merely states fact. And besides, those anti-American blogs only lasted a week as we all have more important things to think about.
Also, the 'Shitrag' award is not the worst idea, that would either be Hitler's idea to invade Russia, Napoleon's idea to invade Russia, or the Pilgrim's idea to colonise America.
Grand Theft Auto is not a disgusting game, as if you look at it, the violence is fairly limited. There are games that are a lot more violent (for example, Resident Evil 4 features the melting of the main character's face) and have far more sexual content (games that actually feature nudity for a start). The language is the main reason for the 18 rating. And I'd much rather play Grand Theft Auto than have to endure any of the American sports. I never said that life revolved around a game, as it obviously doesn't. Life has far more important things to it, like friends.
I advise that you get some.
i am not the anon poster above btw....
i hate it when people use the word anti-american as if it discounts any point which has been made. america won its right to independance and now has less "freedom" than the british they tried to "escape". the whole thing was a way to get out of paying taxes LIKE EVERYONE ELSE HAS TO.
i am not anti-american...i am anti-bullshit
also those rich landowners who decided they didnt want to pay their taxes didnt go and personally fight the war, far far more poor people died fighting usual.
i am not anti-american, i am anti-classist where the poor are the cannon fodder.
america has a huge divide between rich and poor where the elderly person you are talking about has to live on DOG FOOD because they cant afford their medicine, home and food. nice!
i am not anti-american i am anti-social neglect.
"Um yes poor people should get jobs instead of stealing and drug taking and then theyd have money for healthiness."
how many jobs are there and how many people? can you do simple maths? no? then this comment is bullshit. there arent enough jobs for people in most countries and because of the way the system works many people from poorer backgrounds end up having to run away from home to support themselves leaving them without qualifications and in a country where education is not free....well your buggered aren't you?
"And you need guns to defend agains t the poor who steal and rob you. DUH! lollollollollollollol"
more money is taken in dodgy dealings and tax evasion by the rich than stolen by the poor.....but hey, if you want to believe the crap fed to you by the ones with the power then have fun
"Um no Im not wtf is a stereotype anyway and anyway they are all druggies. If thery were good epopel they wouldnt run away from home and also theyd do some thing PRODUCTIVE (bet you dont know what that means)like a get a job or help people but no they punch elderly people and thats why we need guns."
sooo let me get this straight - you are accusing someone of stereotyping then topping it off by making a sweeping statement about a group of people you dont understand....interesting.
i was a teen runaway because i was neglected at home, stupid idiots like you think that people run away because they "arent good people".....yeah that makes sense.....nothing to do with being neglected or abused at home then
god i hope this guy (or girl.....yeah right) never has any control or sway over any decision ever.
this rules out being a doctor, politicion, nurse or even a parent
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