There are many, many reasons why Internet Explorer sucks. Here are just four of them.
1 ) It is made by Microsoft. Since they own a total monopoly over everything I try not to use their products. There's a good reason they're being fined millions of US dollars every day because they don't give anyone else a chance to do anything. Except Apple, but they're more comedy relief than computer company.
B ) Internet Explorer is far move vulnerable to attack than wonderful Firefox. There are so many security leaks it would make Thames Water jealous. If they were a computer company. Which they're not. Anyway, Microsoft have tried to sort this out with all their various patches and updates (don't you just HATE that damned thing that forces you to restart your comp?) but to little success.
1/2 of 6 ) Firefox is simply faster than Internet Explorer. Various surveys have ranged from "a little faster" to "zomg @ speed!!!111". Fiddling around with the configuration can increase its speed even more and cancel out the "memory leakage," the only really annoying thing about firefox. After a few hours it starts to eat up your virtual memory. That's a cunning fox if ever I saw one.
IV) Internet Explorer lacks many of the facilities Firefox has. As well as various useful downloadable upgrades for Firefox like "NoScript" which disables Java thus stopping some nasty bits of malicious code (a picture opportunity in this phrase I feel), it also has the fantastic tabs system, which has two advantages. Firstly you can have lots of pages open in one window, clearing up the taskbar, and secondly teachers never think to look at the top of the screen to check for games.
I've heard many poor excuses for why people don't use Firefox, but the most common seems to be that their family can't understand that there could be more than one way to access the internet. Someone (I've forgotten who - please comment and remind me) cunningly downloaded Firefox, deleted Internet Explorer and renamed Firefox "Internet Explorer." Clever.
Finally, a selection of paving stones which get the MKZRJ seal of approval (I may do a picture of this too...)

And just a brief, amusing note :
"The Smith & Jones Wild Horses Centre in Amsterdam, which specialises in the treatment of alcohol, drug and gambling addictions, is offering a two month residential treatment for gaming addiction. According to its dramatic sales pitch, 'Gaming can be a series addiction and can even lead to death. Gamers are often addictied to stimulants, including speed and eventually even cocaine.' "
Damn! Someone's onto us!
1 ) It is made by Microsoft. Since they own a total monopoly over everything I try not to use their products. There's a good reason they're being fined millions of US dollars every day because they don't give anyone else a chance to do anything. Except Apple, but they're more comedy relief than computer company.
B ) Internet Explorer is far move vulnerable to attack than wonderful Firefox. There are so many security leaks it would make Thames Water jealous. If they were a computer company. Which they're not. Anyway, Microsoft have tried to sort this out with all their various patches and updates (don't you just HATE that damned thing that forces you to restart your comp?) but to little success.
1/2 of 6 ) Firefox is simply faster than Internet Explorer. Various surveys have ranged from "a little faster" to "zomg @ speed!!!111". Fiddling around with the configuration can increase its speed even more and cancel out the "memory leakage," the only really annoying thing about firefox. After a few hours it starts to eat up your virtual memory. That's a cunning fox if ever I saw one.
IV) Internet Explorer lacks many of the facilities Firefox has. As well as various useful downloadable upgrades for Firefox like "NoScript" which disables Java thus stopping some nasty bits of malicious code (a picture opportunity in this phrase I feel), it also has the fantastic tabs system, which has two advantages. Firstly you can have lots of pages open in one window, clearing up the taskbar, and secondly teachers never think to look at the top of the screen to check for games.
I've heard many poor excuses for why people don't use Firefox, but the most common seems to be that their family can't understand that there could be more than one way to access the internet. Someone (I've forgotten who - please comment and remind me) cunningly downloaded Firefox, deleted Internet Explorer and renamed Firefox "Internet Explorer." Clever.
Finally, a selection of paving stones which get the MKZRJ seal of approval (I may do a picture of this too...)

And just a brief, amusing note :
"The Smith & Jones Wild Horses Centre in Amsterdam, which specialises in the treatment of alcohol, drug and gambling addictions, is offering a two month residential treatment for gaming addiction. According to its dramatic sales pitch, 'Gaming can be a series addiction and can even lead to death. Gamers are often addictied to stimulants, including speed and eventually even cocaine.' "
Damn! Someone's onto us!
'twas me with the renaming.
Maybe you could include a malicious script on your blog that FORCED you to read it with Firefox - rendering Internet Explorer useless, as this is the ONLY page worth reading on the interweb.
IE: Someone set us up the bomb.
Firefox: All your base are belong to us.
Quite so señor chainz.
Apple, comedy relief?
Safari completely "pwns" both the browsers you mention here. Completely.
Faster than either, better UI – and no memory leaks.
You are basically right about IE being crap though, though you fail to mention the real, correct reason: its appalling incorrect rendering of pages and its poor CSS support, which have been frustrating webmasters for years.
IE 7 won't be any better, probably. They should just turn the whole thing into a simple shell around the Gecko engine, then everything would be a lot easier.
Oh dear oh dear.
Sorry, everyone, that was quite a rant.
Or simply turn Internet Explorer into one big Interwebual shell, and then break it. And distribute the fragments so it can never be reunited until JUDGEMENT DAY!!!
Sounds good to me.
People only use ie beacuse it ships with computers. If Firefox came with computers everyone would use that.
Besides, we want internet explorer to remain the most used browser. If firefox becomes too popular, people will start making viruses that can get past it. And that would be bad.
There are over 100 vulnerabilities for Firefox and more everyday, it is far from secure. Firefox is NOT faster than IE. IE 6 is actually faster in 6 out of 7 measures of performance. Don't make unfounded statements like "various surveys say", you really mean rhetoric you have heard on blogs and forums. Please show documented reproduceable proof of your claims. The "Memory Leak" is a feature!
"Maybe you could include a malicious script on your blog that FORCED you to read it with Firefox - rendering Internet Explorer useless, as this is the ONLY page worth reading on the interweb."
Comments like this is what makes FF Fanboys worse than anything.
Well I do apologise for not taking the time to go back over EVERY WEB PAGE I'VE EVER VIEWED to check where I read those.
And actually, I think I know what I mean slightly better than you. Wait! If you know what I mean, that must mean I know what you mean. So, by "Unfounded" I think you meant "Clockwork" and by "statements" I think you meant "Ferrets."
I don't actually know how to make these, please enlighten me.
And what kind of a name for a clockwork ferret is "various surveys say" anyway? Surely Bill is much better.
But yeah, I'm really not going to go back and check where these were from. I believe FF is faster, both because IT IS for me, and my friends, but also because so many REAL (ie NON-FAKE) surveys agree.
And the site you've linked to doesn't instantly make it proof, just as you claim the sites I've seen aren't true. You don't seem to list the "6 out of 7" surveys you mention.
If you're just going to say "Comments like this is what makes FF Fanboys worse than anything." then please, go away, because I didn't make my blog to be insulted by people who aren't even brave enough to post their name.
I want to know who you are. Either :
A. You're on my msn list, in which case own up. It's just pathetic if you don't.
B. You trawl the web searching for sites that like FF just to put them down, which is a little sad.
Actually, the mysterious, shadowy figure known here as "mt" makes a good point: on certain pages, such as those with a lot of images or nested tables, IE renders the page much faster, and uses much less memory.
Firefox is not really renowned for its speed, more its ability to use themes and extensions (i.e. bloat).
For speediness, here is the hierarchy of browsers:
1 - Opera
2 - Safari
3 – IE 5
4 - IE 6
5 - Firefox/other Mozilla-based
6 - IE 7
-- I tested this myself, on roughly comparable machines, on a variety of pages. Opera wins on either OS X or Windows XP, but only slightly beats Safari on OS X. IE 5 is surprisingly quick even on an old, slow Windows 98 machine.
--It's worth mentioning that IE 6 is still pretty crap at connecting to begin with or providing any meaningful loading progress indicator.
For standards support:
1 - Safari (already implements new CSS proposals)
2 - Firefox/other Mozilla-based (mostly very good)
3 - IE 7 (latest beta) (quite good, and improving)
4 - Opera (a few positioning bugs)
5 - IE 6 (crap)
6 - IE 5 (crap, and old)
I agree with you that Opera is the fastest, but by my own experiments Firefox beats every version of IE I have. Actually, I don't know about IE 5 but I've found 6 and 7 are both slower than Firefox. Safari...I dunno. It's supposed to be pretty fast.
But Firefox gets the edge with the bookmarks toolbar at the top. So incredibly useful rather than slicing the screen in half with favourites...
IE, Safari, Opera, Konqueror all have (optional) bookmarks toolbars.
The varying differences in speed between Firefox and IE are probably due to their being optimised for different types of system. The only way to accurately judge which is 'faster' is to test them both on many, many different computers – which none of us posting here can do.
It's really irrelevant, though, as Opera is clearly the fastest, and Safari the best all-round.
Firefox is honestly as slow as an upside-down turtle glued to the ground, when it comes to loading the application.
e.g: On the school PCs:
First load:
Opera: 5 secs.
Firefox: 17 secs.
Third load:
Opera: 2 secs.
Firefox: 9 secs.
Well, I still disagree. I've never seen bookmark toolbars on other things but I don't have the latest version. MEH.
But atleast you're providing some evidence rather than just disputing my claims randomly. I still like Firefox, so meh.
Behold! Evidence of the bookmark bars may be found here.
Shown, from top to bottom, are:
Safari, on Mac OS X.
Opera, on Mac OS X.
MS IE 5 for Mac, on OS X.
IE 6, on Windows XP.
Konqueror, on MandrakeLinux. (quite ugly, isn't it?)
The bookmark bars are neatly highlighted in orange. How's this for evidence?
No, I mean drop-down bookmark menus, like favourite folders.
OK, well from the screenshot you can see that Opera does bookmark menus in the toolbar.
So does IE for Windows, as it keeps its bookmarks as a series of URLs in nested folders in the normal file system.
Safari also does this, but keeps them in a preference file. not sure about Konqueror.
I have found IE 7 to be faster than Firefox by quite a way. On firefox, it takes a short while to even display the Google logo (now that's poor), IE does it instantly.
Firefox also makes my computer die, IE does not.
Yes, but your computer dies because it is rubbish. You've told me that so many times. Thus, you cannot blame Firefox for being unable to run on your computer. Blame the computer.
Of course, rubbbish computers are basically stuck with IE, as it has the lowest system requirements of any Windows browser.
– spurling (web browser nerd)
i believe i am the one who deleted ie and renamed it firefox but that was manly because we had ie5 and by the way spurlings evidence of referring to firefox's loading speed is frankly either falsified or biased because he is blantly referring to ff1.0.3(forgotten how many dots and zeros there are and there may also be a .5 in there somewhere, but i think thats right???) which because of a bug in code checks all objects three times over at the same time which uses up virtual memory, is useless, brings down the speed and is useless. others who down load knew versions regularly, unlike some uncultured and biased ... um ... people, are on ff1.0.7 (i think but then again i'll have to check my figures as i'm not using my own computer and am taking rather expensive PERSCRIPTION drugs to stop myself myself or someone else as i demean myself on ie6 damn the world my chemist and all your eyes!!!!!!!)
I know that the fools saying how great internet explorer is wont read this, but all the same -
According to Secunia, those converts are well deserved. The security firm reports that while IE 6 still has 21 unpatched vulnerabilities, Firefox only has three.
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