It's the question on everybody's lips! If they happened to be talking about it at the time, that is.
WHAT is the power of the future? Where do you stand on the debate?
The two biggest things France has got right are these.
1 ) Anti-war. The French were opposed to the Iraq/Afghanistan war (and the latest Israeli attack), and although I might not be Jacques Chirac's biggest fan, he is very anti-war. Good.
2 ) The nuclear option. Around 80% of France's power is generated by nuclear power.
Personally, I think nuclear power is the best option. Think about it this way - using fossil fuels, we are constantly destroying the planet. Even though Dubya may not believe in global warming, it is a fact just we breath air, the sky is above us, and Equilibrium is a rip-off of the Matrix. While renewable energy is a good option, it's wholly un-cost-effective (if there is such a word) and often can only produce meagre amounts of electricity, with some caviat - e.g. sun, wind, waves etc.
Yes, nuclear has the chance for a catastrophe. But think about this - nuclear power is literally millions of times more effective per gram of uranium/coal/oil than coal and oil power. Constant burning of fossil fuels destroy the environment much more than a potential nuclear disaster ever could.
Thus, the upshot of all this, go nuclear.
Coming tomorrow : Something more amusing. Sorry for the short entry, my net has reached new levels of awfulness and I've been lucky to get this on before being disconnected again.
On a brief side note, they say it takes all sorts to make the world. That may be, but I'm pretty certain this is illegal.
WHAT is the power of the future? Where do you stand on the debate?
The two biggest things France has got right are these.
1 ) Anti-war. The French were opposed to the Iraq/Afghanistan war (and the latest Israeli attack), and although I might not be Jacques Chirac's biggest fan, he is very anti-war. Good.
2 ) The nuclear option. Around 80% of France's power is generated by nuclear power.
Personally, I think nuclear power is the best option. Think about it this way - using fossil fuels, we are constantly destroying the planet. Even though Dubya may not believe in global warming, it is a fact just we breath air, the sky is above us, and Equilibrium is a rip-off of the Matrix. While renewable energy is a good option, it's wholly un-cost-effective (if there is such a word) and often can only produce meagre amounts of electricity, with some caviat - e.g. sun, wind, waves etc.
Yes, nuclear has the chance for a catastrophe. But think about this - nuclear power is literally millions of times more effective per gram of uranium/coal/oil than coal and oil power. Constant burning of fossil fuels destroy the environment much more than a potential nuclear disaster ever could.
Thus, the upshot of all this, go nuclear.
Coming tomorrow : Something more amusing. Sorry for the short entry, my net has reached new levels of awfulness and I've been lucky to get this on before being disconnected again.
On a brief side note, they say it takes all sorts to make the world. That may be, but I'm pretty certain this is illegal.

Actually, the questions on my lips are:
1: How retarded is George Bush?
2: How retarded is Tony Blair?
3: How did George Bush gain one term in office, let alone two? (Although it's obvious he rigged it. Or rather someone else did for him)
4: WHY?????
5: Does the average American have a brain?
6: What's for dinner?
7: Surely a flood that lasted for 40 days and 40 nights (the story of Noah) wouldn't kill the floating and swimming things like fish and ducks, therefore not destroying the world to start again.
8: What would I get if I crossed a giraffe and a hedgehog?
9: Why is the standard of terrestrial TV so unbelievably low?
10: If I leave here tomorrow, would you still remember me?
11: How did Tony Blair get so long in power?
12: Why hasn't there been a vote of no confidence in Blair?
13: If they used so much coal in the Industrial revolution, why didn't this cause global warming? OR If it did, are the signs of it being shown now? AND If that's the case surely our planet is already screwed?
So there you have it.
1. Immensly.
2. Very.
3. Term 1 : Rigged. Term 2 : Foolish American public.
4. Some people like giraffes...
5. Unlikely.
6. Fish.
7. True, which proves ducks are the ultimate life form.
8. Isn't this a long-necked spiky brush or something?
9. I wish I knew.
10. No.
11. I wish I knew.
12. Interesting question. I think there was move for one at one point, but then...can anyone finish this?
13. It did, but we didn't notice. Yes, but we can make the planet slightly less screwed by stopping increasing the screw index now.
1. Incomprehensibly.
2. Less so - but still as similar to mensa as a woodlouse.
3. Pixies. And "Oooats Michelle".
4. Well, when a Daddy loves a Mummy very much... (I never understood that line - what if they arent't already parents?)
5. Contrary to poular belief - yes. However, this is based purely on theory - and not on actually established experimentation.
6. Steak or fish. However - don't eat the fish or you'll come down with a terrible disease on an airplane(!) and start spewing eggs.
7. True. But can duck really sin?
8. A Hiraffe.
9. It's not! There's Big Brother, Celebrity Get Me Off This Love Jungle - Despite The Fact That I Asked To Be Put Here To Boost My Failing Ratings, and my favourite - The Mint. Yay! 4 hours of watching two AA list (further than Z list - think Microsoft Excel) celebrities waiting for someone to phone them - all while trying not to think of the fairly obvious fill in the blanks question - "F_ _ _ ING BAD TV"
10. Um. Depends on whether you do the guitar solo.
11. People don't like change. Even if it's for the better.
12. Because the British Nazi Party are no better - and that's what all the chavs are voting for.
13. It did a bit - but they didn't use it on such monstrously large scales as we do - trying to heat the oversized houses that the oversized Americans live in.
I shall answer the invisible "Question 14" with a question of my own from a failing and repetetive "comedy" series - in which this is the only vaguely funny bit, "Lemon drizzle cake, lemon drizzle cake, have you any nuts?"
Yes, the planet is screwed – but I have solutions!
Global Warming:
First, we build a tunnel from the Atlantic Ocean into the general Outer Space region. This tunnel will be a path through the Earth's atmosphere, and will contain nothing.
It will therefore be a "vacuum tube".
Second, we launch a space station, or manoeuvre an existing one, to the other end.
The space station collects a mass of water from the ocean, and temporarily holds it in space, allowing it to lose energy and cool, becoming a huge cube very cold ice.
The ice is then fired back down into the ocean, having the overally effect of cooling the ocean and therefore the world.
Sources of power:
If everyone on the planet devotes five years to solving the details of implementing nuclear fusion power, it could probably be a successful source of energy within that time.
This would do as a temporary solution for essential power.
Meanwhile, we could start building massive wind collection towers!
Problem solved.
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