Tuesday, July 25, 2006


The hypocracy of some of these people is beyond belief. If being a raging hypocrite was an Olympic event, the American government would win every time. Hands down. No-one else has even a leg to stand on when it comes to double standards and general spraying of bullshit (insert mental image here if you want).
"The people of this region, Israeli, Lebanese, indeed Palestinian have lived too long in fear and in terror and in violence," said "Condi" Rice recently. Let's just dissect this a little.
Israel has NEVER lived in terror. Israel invented terror. Saying "Indeed" Palestine is almost like they are hardly worth mentioning. It's like "Well, I guess you could say" Palestine has been crushed and bullied ever since the Israelis originally illegally stole their land, persecuted their people, arrested thousands of innocents (many under 16) and bulldozed their land and homes.
"Israel is acting with tremendous restraint, were they targeting civilian populations there would be thousands upon thousands dead," said some moron on the BBC boards whose name I have erased from my memory for more important things like how to clean toilet cisterns. Yes, because they're so "restrained" that they are purposely targetting the infrastructure of Lebanon, killing civilians instead of the Hezbollah fighters (I guess people who don't fight back are easier...)
And the final great act of double-standards : Israel kill/kidnap people from Palestine daily, and in the past have done the same during their occupation of Lebanon. But two Israelis? Unacceptable.
Ehud Olmert said he was "very conscious" of the humanitarian needs of Lebanon's civilians, but insisted Israel was defending itself against terrorism. Define "humanitarian" would you? People need power, water, food and shelter, you know. The four things you seem to be trying your hardest to destroy.
Sorry about rapidly changing fonts, all should be back to normal tomorrow.


And finally, we have a poorly edited picture which will only make sense to one person. Shock and awe optional.

*tyrannosaurus scream*


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Condoleeza Rice said a slightly "Hitler-ific" thing that I heard on the news this morning.
"It is time for a new Middle East, it is time to say to those who do not want a different kind of Middle East that we will prevail; they will not."

Sounds slightly like "We need more "living space", and anyone who tells us that we can't have it will be destroyed" (in German, of course).
It looks like America is preparing for another pointless war. Either that or they know that Israel is about to destroy Lebanon.

11:10 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, in the abscence of one particularly good reply to this that I could have used, but was deleted under mysterious circumstances yesterday *glares accusingly at Israel and USA*, I will instead go for a much shorter and simpler reply.

Israel have broken the Geneva convention repeatedly. They did it so much, infact, that when they were re-invading the Gaza Strip a few weeks ago, even neutral Switzerland condemned them. And that takes some effort.
On the idea of double standards, lets look at UN resolutions. People often quote Resolution 1559, which does indeed call for the disarming of Hezbollah. However, people seem to overlook resolution 425, which, and I quote this from Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs website
"Calls upon Israel immediately to cease its military action against Lebanese territorial integrity and withdraw forthwith its forces from all Lebanese territory."
Although no one ever pays any attention to this one. Double standards me thinks.

11:26 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hahahahaa. Love the picture.

"Mandibles you say? Mandibles? Never! It is unbecoming!"

2:05 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting website with a lot of resources and detailed explanations.

4:40 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very pretty site! Keep working. thnx!

10:26 am  

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