Simply tally up the points you get at the end of each question and discover your true calling in life! Or go out and mope around a supermarket, whichever suits you better.
Question 1.
What is your favourite object in the whole world?
A) One of those stupid toddler BMX bikes that morons ride around on. -10 points
B) Something technological. +10 points
C) My Early Learning Centre Accountancy set. 0 points
D) Ma bling. -20 points.
Question 2.
What do you call your CD player?
A) Ma beat-box. -10 points
B) My CD player. +5 points
C) An audio device for the transmission of sound packets and the interpretation of digital data on an optical disc which normally has a sampling rate of 44.1 kHz. 0 points
D) CD player? I use my Xbox/PC. +20 points
Question 3.
You inherit a large supply of bank notes for some reason. What do you do with them?
A) Lick them to get the cocaine off. -15 points
B) Place them in a financially stable trust-fund in a Swiss bank account and prudently investing the interest in the stock market after carefully analysing the current trends for the next five years. 0 points
C) Spend them on a game. +10 points
D) Buy some shizzle. -10 points
Question 4
How do you greet people?
A) Yo' yo' izzy yo' wotz 'appenin ma niggaz 100,000 FUCK YOU points
B) Wazzup y'all -10 points
C) Good afternoon fine sir, would you like to sign this above-board and legally binding greeting contract to certify that we have met here at [insert time] and therefore enable me to fill in Human Interaction Forms 42B - F. 0 points
D) Hi. + 15 points
Question 5
What is the next computer game you intend to buy?
A) Gears of War +20 points
B) Starcraft +150 points
C) Fifa Streets. -40 points
D) FS Maintenance Manager Reset to 0 points
Question 6
Where are you going on holiday this year?
A) Blackpool -50 points
B) Spain -10 points
C) Not sure, I'm still looking for the best health insurance deal 0 points
D) Nothing, I'm saving up to go to what little remains of beautiful E3. Sob. +20 points
E) I'm spending my summer in a 1337 korean internet cafe playing Starcraft. +70 points
Question 7
How do you spend your Saturday nights?
A) Levelling up on XBL +10 points
B) Ma bling krew is goin' muggin' nannies n shizzlenit ho pimpa lyk! Quiz discontinued.
C) Gettin' pissed innit. -15 points
Question 8
If you were Prime Minister (if you know what that means) what would be the first law you introduced?
A) I don' know wha' tha' post is shizzle! -652 points
B) Abolish asbos lyk coz' they is stoppin' mes from pimpin' -40 points
C) Kick out anyone who answered A or B from the country. +20 points
D) Carefully analyse the economic situation of our country and further political discussions with the European Union with a view to further integretation into the continental and international political arena with the ultimate intention of numerous benefits for our nation which can be redistributed across the population using an extremely prudent algebraic formula ensuring everyone gets an amount appropriate to their needs. You fail at life.
E) Introduce compulsory IQ tests for life, but particularly XBL. Also force companies to release games at the same time everywhere. +30 points
If you got a negative score, that means you a CHAV. This means that you a worthless waste of human resources who should not be allowed to live on this Earth. Chances are you listen to rap music. More importantly than all of this, I hate you, and that counts for a lot in this world.
If you got a score of 0, you are a bureaucrat. You achieve nothing with your life ever. You may however bore all those around you, and you have a chance to be responsible for the deaths of millions. You probably find this offensive, so if you want to sue me you can email me form X54-1/5.1 using the email address now in my profile page.
If you got a positive score, chances are you're a gamer. As such you are worthy of living on this Earth and chances are I like you, unless you take the console war to be the most important thing to ever happen. NOTE : it is not.
If finally you got a score of 315, you will be killed in a korean gaming cybercafe by a maniac who takes Zergling rushes far too seriously.
Post what you got in the comments!!!