They say 91% of all internet usage is porn. But porn can span a huge wide range of things, going from the benign and the bizarre to the illegal and the unnatural.
Recently moronic AOL released 3 months of search logs - by accident of course. There were about 3 million searches done on their software in that period. Clearly I could never go through all of these, but a quick scan unveils some rather colourful characters. Here for your perusal are parts of the search logs of four such people who I wouldn't want to meet in an alley. Or anywhere for that matter.
WARNING : These WILL offend some people. Continue at your own risk.
That said, let us now laugh at the sick and twisted denizens of our world! On the left is their anonymous AOL ID whatsit, the middle is the search term, and the right is the date.

Apologies for the short entry, I'm working on 3 other new features AND the Story of WTF while also trying to beat Steam into submission.
Recently moronic AOL released 3 months of search logs - by accident of course. There were about 3 million searches done on their software in that period. Clearly I could never go through all of these, but a quick scan unveils some rather colourful characters. Here for your perusal are parts of the search logs of four such people who I wouldn't want to meet in an alley. Or anywhere for that matter.
WARNING : These WILL offend some people. Continue at your own risk.
That said, let us now laugh at the sick and twisted denizens of our world! On the left is their anonymous AOL ID whatsit, the middle is the search term, and the right is the date.
100906 is a health upstanding religious man. I particularly like the last search.

2296327 has an interesting personality.

5045312 needs to see every kind of doctor there is.

562646 defies all captions.
----Apologies for the short entry, I'm working on 3 other new features AND the Story of WTF while also trying to beat Steam into submission.
Some people are VERY stange. I like the changes from "Wives forced to have sex with dogs stories" to "Spongebob". Makes me think what the hell that person wants to do with Spongebob Squarepants.
That is quite amusing. I had a quick look through them as well, and came up with some fairly disturbing finds, although not really on that scale. I had to stop though before I lost all faith in the decency of humanity.
Too funny. Either that or real, real sad!
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