Let's just take a brief recap of the 9th and 10th of August.
The 9th - John Reid says that in the short term we might need to sacrifice some of our liberties for increased security in the long term. Let's say we sacrifice liberties for two months - how will that guard us for four months? Surely after the two months of liberty sacrificing comes to an end, we're back at stage one where nasty people can attack our liberties again! Badly thought through I feel.
People didn't take very kindly to this moron's suggestions, presumably because it had been a while since the July bombings. To be honest, even if it was one day after I wouldn't have put his views higher than those of a pubic louse, but maybe others would. Nevertheless, people didn't seem enthausiastic.
The 10th - We have this 10/12 plane mega-bomb scare thing. A single day after people rejected his liberty-removing plans. Forums light up with support for his plans - if sacrificing liberties mean saving 3000 people on planes (this many people die EVERY DAY from normal accidents, by the way) then of course we should do it. Sacrifice more liberties, I mean. We've lost enough as it is.
I'm not going to use the classic conspiracy catchphrase "I find this a little convinient", but, well, I do. I've stopped using this phrase because of a single post I say on a forum a few days ago which I will mention in a moment. But this does seem a little for John Reid. That'll do. Whether or not the bombers succeeded - if there actually is a bombing plot anyway - the effect would've been the same. Renewed support for the government trying desperately to cope in the wave of evil nasty terrorists. Because, of course, our military doesn't kill innocents. Not one bit.
The post I mentioned was on a board about the End of days, Second coming, whatever you want to call that particular religious belief. One thread said that the current war in the Middle East was the start of the end of the world. And someone posted "I notice it's exactly 40 days from today since this conflict started. I find that a little convinient."
MORON! I hope everyone sees what an indescribably stupid thing to say this is. Oh! It just happens to be 40 days since 40 days ago! How unlikely! This must show supernatural intervention.
So what does everyone think about this current terror alert? Personally I'm not sure what to think. Either it's a load of balls, or it's true but they timed the release of the information to perfection.
On today's happier side note, I have recently purchased a pig lighter.
It's just so damned fantastic!
You pull back it's hat and then-

Also, the "Story of WTF" is coming along nicely. Around 90% is uploaded, 250 pages, and all illustrations are now live.
The 9th - John Reid says that in the short term we might need to sacrifice some of our liberties for increased security in the long term. Let's say we sacrifice liberties for two months - how will that guard us for four months? Surely after the two months of liberty sacrificing comes to an end, we're back at stage one where nasty people can attack our liberties again! Badly thought through I feel.
People didn't take very kindly to this moron's suggestions, presumably because it had been a while since the July bombings. To be honest, even if it was one day after I wouldn't have put his views higher than those of a pubic louse, but maybe others would. Nevertheless, people didn't seem enthausiastic.
The 10th - We have this 10/12 plane mega-bomb scare thing. A single day after people rejected his liberty-removing plans. Forums light up with support for his plans - if sacrificing liberties mean saving 3000 people on planes (this many people die EVERY DAY from normal accidents, by the way) then of course we should do it. Sacrifice more liberties, I mean. We've lost enough as it is.
I'm not going to use the classic conspiracy catchphrase "I find this a little convinient", but, well, I do. I've stopped using this phrase because of a single post I say on a forum a few days ago which I will mention in a moment. But this does seem a little for John Reid. That'll do. Whether or not the bombers succeeded - if there actually is a bombing plot anyway - the effect would've been the same. Renewed support for the government trying desperately to cope in the wave of evil nasty terrorists. Because, of course, our military doesn't kill innocents. Not one bit.
The post I mentioned was on a board about the End of days, Second coming, whatever you want to call that particular religious belief. One thread said that the current war in the Middle East was the start of the end of the world. And someone posted "I notice it's exactly 40 days from today since this conflict started. I find that a little convinient."
MORON! I hope everyone sees what an indescribably stupid thing to say this is. Oh! It just happens to be 40 days since 40 days ago! How unlikely! This must show supernatural intervention.
So what does everyone think about this current terror alert? Personally I'm not sure what to think. Either it's a load of balls, or it's true but they timed the release of the information to perfection.
On today's happier side note, I have recently purchased a pig lighter.

Also, the "Story of WTF" is coming along nicely. Around 90% is uploaded, 250 pages, and all illustrations are now live.
I would like to believe that this WAS a foiled terrorist plot. However, it does come at a time when the government and police need a big popularity boost. However, something like this seems, quite frankly, like an American way of doing things therefore I think it is the "real thing" as they say.
That pig lighter is the second coolest thing ever in the history of mankind. Fact.
Can't wait to play "The Story of WTF", sounds rather funny. Good work. I commend ye.
That pig lighter is nearly as excellent as 100% distilled excellence.
However 'The Story of WTF' is better.
I'm not going to comment on the plane scares.
My opinion is irrelevant.
And anyway, I'm too damn suspicous of everything anyway without encouragement.
Stop your conspiricious theorisationing – this second.
And you've done it again with the images.
More than half a megabyte on the pig lighter thumbnails.
I'll set the dial-up evangelists on you!
(watch your back)
I have a pig torch exactly the same style and size as that, but instead of the flames from the nostrils, light is emitted.
And on the plane scares, perhaps they are playing the release of information, but I doubt they would invent such plots as propaganda tools. And yes, the military should stop killing innocents.
And yes, I detest the use of uberlarge (sizewise) images since it makes the entire blog an unnecessary download each time it must be viewèd.
Of course, chainz here would dislike large images even more thsan anyone else, being as he is a user of slow, slow AOL.
There is so sympathy for users of AOL It destroyed my older computer (well, not really, but I can blame it for the 600 virus.)
It is not my fault I am on slow internet. I tell you, my parent won't upgrade to the faster packages anyhow because it is a waste of money :?
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