Wednesday, August 09, 2006


Today we ask the ultimate question - what is Art?
Recently I went Sudeley Castle. I wouldn't go to their website, it is hideous. Looks like they left one of those oscillating duck things on the desk to just see what random keys it would press and how things would turn out. Anyway, as well as the castle itself and the Pheasantry, which was all nice and good, (the Pheasant is pretty close to the Grouse...) the gardens were littered with sculptures and various bits of "artwork". Some of this I would deem to be proper art, but some of it was little more than either a morbid fascination with death, or a suspended egg.

The Good
The gothic dumper truck was cool. For some reason we were allowed to have a much closer look than everyone else who was kept back (they might have mistaken us for someone else...). It was made from some metal of some sort and just looked amazing. I would consider that art because it has a clear concept, required a lot of work and you're actually interested in it once it's been completed.
The "Happily Ever After" thing which I'll upload later was also good, but for today we'll concentrate on my favourite, called "Event Horizon." As you can see from the video below, this was a swirly air vortex whatsit in a jar of water. Although I liked it, is it really art? Surely it's much more in the realm of technology...

The Bad
In one room there was just a giant lightbulb. Just that. It wasn't even on or anything. I mean, what's that all about?
There was also one "sculpture" which was little more than a bunch of balloons tied with rope above a Carp Pond. No matter how much you can stretch the boundaries of "Art" against "Tripe", I serioulsy don't think this is art. It's just some balloons for goodness sake.

The Odd
Taxidermy. What the hell is the fascination with that? It's just damned creepy. There was one exhibit with a stuffed rabbit, fox and some other poor creature dressed up to look stupid. I swiftly burnt the place down. Horrible.

There you go, some food for thought and a cool bird. Which of these do you think are art then?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with everything that you think about the "art".
The truck and the swirling water thing-a-me-bob were all cool.

What the hell was that light-bulb all about? Weird. I could be an artist at that rate. I would fill a room with combs and call it "Room filled with Combs". It would, of course, win every art prize ever.

Speaking of prizes, I want one for finding all of the taglines.

2:06 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The gothic truck thing is well cool! The baloons are shite and the lightbulb is cool - but definitely NOT art...

3:29 pm  
Blogger Mkzrj said...

You may get a prize in the future. If I do one I will also give Hayden one at the same time for identifying the CD in entry #50's picture.

6:55 pm  
Blogger dj chainz said...

"True art is debatably art."
Quote - anon - today

I believe this proves the point in a paradoxical way; art does not exist. As true art is debatably even itself, we cannot be sure whether a giant lightbulb is art, or just a feat of technology.

Got you thinking there, I did not?

10:14 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The lightbulb is easily the most impressive.

Assuming it's properly depressurised and argon-filled.

10:20 pm  

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