We move on from Retro games and the history of Grand Theft Auto to now cover newly coming games. I'm going to comment on five I'm looking forward to most, but also mention a few others that didn't make it, either because A : I don't like them, or B : I forgot them.
1 ) Resident Evil 5.
True, I'd never played a Resident Evil game until Resi 4 on the GC (best third-person shooter ever, but then it only has Tomb Raider to compete with). But I'm now totally hooked. Four was an excellent combination of horror, puzzles, shooting and some creativity interesting/bizarre/freakish enemies. Resident Evil 5 promises fast zombies like Half-life 2 has, but also rather good graphics. This should rock. Unless EA take it over.
2 ) Halo 3.
Bungie claim this is the end of the current story arc, and promise lots of new features. Halo 3 would be perfect if it was simply Halo 2 with online 4-player Co-op and maybe Pelicans/Phantoms you can drive. That would be quite cool. Ones you can drive and get it without using the Metropolis glitch I mean. But this is one of the 3 games that have made me decide on the 360 rather than the Revolution (NOT THE WII) as my next-gen console. Poor Nintendo. I'll miss them.
3 ) GTA IV.
See the previous blog entry. If you ignore all the fake screenshots of well-endowed women swinging maces (how could anyone POSSIBLY believe this?) it should be good. Just a mere 30 improvements then.
4 ) C & C 3 : Tiberium Wars
FINALLY! Another GDI/NOD game, and it's about time. The original C & C 95 is still a classic, and we've been waiting since bizarre Tiberian Sun for them to resume a non-xenophobic anti-communist storyline. Judging from the only avaliable trailer, it's in full 3D like Generals, still has Orcas, perhaps has USABLE gunboats this time (incredible!) and presumably the Brotherhood of NOD, though we didn't see them. The C & C series has always had a good storyline with that weird tangent that kept it interesting, like the Scrin Ship in Tiberian Sun. Aliens? Perhaps we'll get some answers this time round.
5 ) Gears of War.
Until this, GTA IV and Halo 3 are out, I'm not getting a 360. I just don't see any point, to be honest. You can pay a whole load of money just to have a console that can't handle half the maps on Halo 2 and crashes constantly. Whoopee. I'll stick with my regular Xbox thanks. Anyway, this is another third-person shooter for those who don't know. Instead of the evil aliens coming from another planet, they come from inside the planet. It boasts online co-op and a damned cool trailer. I would link to it but I've lost the thing.
Some other games worthy of mention :
Assassin's Creed, Call of Duty 3, HL2 : E2, Hellgate London, MGS : 4, Just cause, Unreal Tournament 2007, Red Steel. Most of these I suspect I will get...
Tomorrow we'll be typing up some odds and ends, then regular programming will resume. Including a surprise change to the blog!
1 ) Resident Evil 5.
True, I'd never played a Resident Evil game until Resi 4 on the GC (best third-person shooter ever, but then it only has Tomb Raider to compete with). But I'm now totally hooked. Four was an excellent combination of horror, puzzles, shooting and some creativity interesting/bizarre/freakish enemies. Resident Evil 5 promises fast zombies like Half-life 2 has, but also rather good graphics. This should rock. Unless EA take it over.

Bungie claim this is the end of the current story arc, and promise lots of new features. Halo 3 would be perfect if it was simply Halo 2 with online 4-player Co-op and maybe Pelicans/Phantoms you can drive. That would be quite cool. Ones you can drive and get it without using the Metropolis glitch I mean. But this is one of the 3 games that have made me decide on the 360 rather than the Revolution (NOT THE WII) as my next-gen console. Poor Nintendo. I'll miss them.
3 ) GTA IV.
See the previous blog entry. If you ignore all the fake screenshots of well-endowed women swinging maces (how could anyone POSSIBLY believe this?) it should be good. Just a mere 30 improvements then.
4 ) C & C 3 : Tiberium Wars
FINALLY! Another GDI/NOD game, and it's about time. The original C & C 95 is still a classic, and we've been waiting since bizarre Tiberian Sun for them to resume a non-xenophobic anti-communist storyline. Judging from the only avaliable trailer, it's in full 3D like Generals, still has Orcas, perhaps has USABLE gunboats this time (incredible!) and presumably the Brotherhood of NOD, though we didn't see them. The C & C series has always had a good storyline with that weird tangent that kept it interesting, like the Scrin Ship in Tiberian Sun. Aliens? Perhaps we'll get some answers this time round.

Until this, GTA IV and Halo 3 are out, I'm not getting a 360. I just don't see any point, to be honest. You can pay a whole load of money just to have a console that can't handle half the maps on Halo 2 and crashes constantly. Whoopee. I'll stick with my regular Xbox thanks. Anyway, this is another third-person shooter for those who don't know. Instead of the evil aliens coming from another planet, they come from inside the planet. It boasts online co-op and a damned cool trailer. I would link to it but I've lost the thing.
Some other games worthy of mention :
Assassin's Creed, Call of Duty 3, HL2 : E2, Hellgate London, MGS : 4, Just cause, Unreal Tournament 2007, Red Steel. Most of these I suspect I will get...
Tomorrow we'll be typing up some odds and ends, then regular programming will resume. Including a surprise change to the blog!
HA at Xbox 360.
I personally will not be getting one, as the only game that will be truly Xbox exclusive of any note will be Halo 3, a game which I think sucks all kinds of ass given that since Halo 1, only the graphics have improved. And yes, I have played both Halo and Halo 2. Multi-player is the only thing that keeps it going for me.
PS3 all the way! It is the best option.
Indeed they do. Not quite as much as EA though.
Halo3 is a poor game.Final Fantasy XIII is best.
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