One of the more horrible anime things to come out of Japan is "Gundam Wing". This is generally found on the shittier cartoon channels like Cartoon Network late at night because they need something to fill up the gaps between Rugrats movies.
As far as I understand it, it's set in the future (isn't everything these days?) and there are some good humans and some bad humans. For some reason, they've all decided it would be an efficient method of combat to use huge robot walkers. Haven't they ever seen The Empire Strikes Back? All you need is a single saviour and some rope and you're buggered. But maybe to counter this there are no ground troops any longer? They've been replaced by those little silver robots you can buy for children! Anything is possible in the crazy world of Gundam Wing!
Also, why do most Japanese cartoons seem to be built not from colour, lines and repeating backgrounds like most cartoons, but from 100% pure strobe light? Perhaps Japanese TV is some sick form of artificial selection to remove those who have epilepsy from the gene pool. Seems a rather cruel way to go about it.
Every single thing flashes, including things that just shouldn't flash. Some of the flashing things are just wrong. Flashing should only be used to highlight something of interest, not to simply denote everything on screen at once. There is so much random action it's like some really bad action movie that tries to be really cool but fails. Not mentioning any names here, especially not Time Bandits.
Time Bandits. You know, that film with the Dwarfs in the room and the giant blue face attacks them, and they flee, and then they meet Robin Hood, and then suddenly they're sailing in the desert and the desert falls apart, then they meet people with goat heads, and lasers, and the lasers kill the goat men?
I can't hate but wonder what particular group Gundam Wing is supposed to appeal to. I honestly can't think of any niche in society this program would appeal to except for the Robot-Bisexual-Molestation-Paedophile-Crotch-Weird society. If such a thing exists, then obviously Gundam Wing has a second purpose other than causing me such ocular woe.
Here we have the homoerotic Gundam Wing boys (and possibly girl) in tight-fitting pants about to be molested by giant robot hands of DOOM. Alas, they lack a token black guy! What is the world coming to?

Seriously, look at their trousers/short shorts. I hate short shorts. Is Gundam Wing slowly evolving into another bizarre cartoon porn franchise? Are the tight-fitting shorts simply the first step to showing the public they aren't all hung like Action Man?
Finally, the ending sequence from the awful flashing game of flashing action flash. The final weird guy honestly doesn't change posture once in the entire thing. This guy no doubt has an English accent, lives in a mansion and is probably a registered sex offender or something.
I hate Gundam Wing.
As far as I understand it, it's set in the future (isn't everything these days?) and there are some good humans and some bad humans. For some reason, they've all decided it would be an efficient method of combat to use huge robot walkers. Haven't they ever seen The Empire Strikes Back? All you need is a single saviour and some rope and you're buggered. But maybe to counter this there are no ground troops any longer? They've been replaced by those little silver robots you can buy for children! Anything is possible in the crazy world of Gundam Wing!
Also, why do most Japanese cartoons seem to be built not from colour, lines and repeating backgrounds like most cartoons, but from 100% pure strobe light? Perhaps Japanese TV is some sick form of artificial selection to remove those who have epilepsy from the gene pool. Seems a rather cruel way to go about it.
Every single thing flashes, including things that just shouldn't flash. Some of the flashing things are just wrong. Flashing should only be used to highlight something of interest, not to simply denote everything on screen at once. There is so much random action it's like some really bad action movie that tries to be really cool but fails. Not mentioning any names here, especially not Time Bandits.
Time Bandits. You know, that film with the Dwarfs in the room and the giant blue face attacks them, and they flee, and then they meet Robin Hood, and then suddenly they're sailing in the desert and the desert falls apart, then they meet people with goat heads, and lasers, and the lasers kill the goat men?
I can't hate but wonder what particular group Gundam Wing is supposed to appeal to. I honestly can't think of any niche in society this program would appeal to except for the Robot-Bisexual-Molestation-Paedophile-Crotch-Weird society. If such a thing exists, then obviously Gundam Wing has a second purpose other than causing me such ocular woe.
Here we have the homoerotic Gundam Wing boys (and possibly girl) in tight-fitting pants about to be molested by giant robot hands of DOOM. Alas, they lack a token black guy! What is the world coming to?

Seriously, look at their trousers/short shorts. I hate short shorts. Is Gundam Wing slowly evolving into another bizarre cartoon porn franchise? Are the tight-fitting shorts simply the first step to showing the public they aren't all hung like Action Man?
Finally, the ending sequence from the awful flashing game of flashing action flash. The final weird guy honestly doesn't change posture once in the entire thing. This guy no doubt has an English accent, lives in a mansion and is probably a registered sex offender or something.

That's the only acronym that can adeuately describe the laughter this particular episode of daily blogging caused.
LOL ... This is equally disturbing, japanese prono at it's best (Apparently gundam wing)
I don't want to know what's in that jug if it is indeed porn.
Blast, not a mis-aligned follicle! How will he survive? Dirty paedophile.
I agree with Spurling's comment. Muchos agreemente.
Also level with Gundam Wing on the "Shit Scale of Shit" are cartoons such as Pokemon and Digimon. More flashing images and homo-eroticism and rape. And don't forget the paedophilia.
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