Yesterday the GCSE results came out. Amid everyone apparently celebrating and dancing while posing for the BBC cameras, it was mentioned that now more people than ever are achieving the top grades. So that's all fine and dandy.
A few comments to be made then about exams.
1. They are a waste of time. We are tested far, far too much.
2. 1 was really the only point.
3. Stop with the numbers already.
As usual there was a huge gap between boys and girls. Girls, perhaps as expected, did much higher but I put that down to working far too hard. The GCSEs are really not all that important! It's a lot more important to do a minimum of revision and a maximum of gameplaying - I would be an excellent example of how one should prepare for your exams. Yes, you should do some reading-up if only so you don't fall behind your fellow students - but too much is simply a waste of time. There will come a point when one realises you've spent all your life working far too hard but you've never really had any fun. Unless you would describe the nail-biting excitement of counting breeze-blocks after you finish early as "fun".
The only other thing you can do after the end of the exam is using your calculator to play Countdown. As an ancient retro game for the Com64 put it - "You can have a lot of fun and thrill." I couldn't have put it better myself.
The upshot of all this is - exams are a total waste of time. It's even worse if you let them totally take over your life in the months leading up to them.
Right. At this point there are still a lot of regular blog-readers on holiday. As such I don't want to use any of the good ideas for future entries now while there are hardly any people around to see them. Therefore :
I propose a week of no blogging. True, this will remove the last iota of humour from the interwebs, but you won't have subpar entries. It also gives me time to improve and refine some of the future blog entry ideas. A good plan?
A few comments to be made then about exams.
1. They are a waste of time. We are tested far, far too much.
2. 1 was really the only point.
3. Stop with the numbers already.
As usual there was a huge gap between boys and girls. Girls, perhaps as expected, did much higher but I put that down to working far too hard. The GCSEs are really not all that important! It's a lot more important to do a minimum of revision and a maximum of gameplaying - I would be an excellent example of how one should prepare for your exams. Yes, you should do some reading-up if only so you don't fall behind your fellow students - but too much is simply a waste of time. There will come a point when one realises you've spent all your life working far too hard but you've never really had any fun. Unless you would describe the nail-biting excitement of counting breeze-blocks after you finish early as "fun".
The only other thing you can do after the end of the exam is using your calculator to play Countdown. As an ancient retro game for the Com64 put it - "You can have a lot of fun and thrill." I couldn't have put it better myself.

Right. At this point there are still a lot of regular blog-readers on holiday. As such I don't want to use any of the good ideas for future entries now while there are hardly any people around to see them. Therefore :
I propose a week of no blogging. True, this will remove the last iota of humour from the interwebs, but you won't have subpar entries. It also gives me time to improve and refine some of the future blog entry ideas. A good plan?
A bad plan. If you dont blog then you can be certain that random anonymous guy will show up and go "Ha Ha! You fail." And then he'll claim he doesn't have to send you a dictionary, which I assume you still haven't got.
Also, this whole Girls better than boys thing, is clearly because boys realise that exams really do not matter. Having said that, I didn't care AND I still did better. Um... *hides*
I have a plan -
How about a few guest writers for the next week?
Okey dokey. If anyone has something to do over the next week while I prepare the next few entries, talk to me on msn. Though going through almost 100 entries with only a week's break seems good to me.
Damn straight about the GCSE's...
I managed to achieve good grades (enough to please parents + family + myself) and still have a load of fun in year 11 and maximised the all important gaming =D
I didnt happen to hear any of the girl > boy bullshit this year, but yeh, gcses are pretty much just an entry pass for college/sixth form and even then they take people with shitty grades =/
PS: Dont stop blogging! I enjoy a daily read of your blog =/
I have returned from the grave...
Maybe it was a good idea, I'm currently catching up and haven't read the most recent ones. I would have done from Germany on the PSP but the Nazis wanted me to pay lots for it. Screw that. Anyhoo, time to comment on the next one.
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