On today's issue of "Those Wonderful American Teenage Shits" we will be relating some of the most hilarious/racist comments the youth of USA have deluged upon us recently! With such hilarious comic gems as "Why don't you go to the dentist you British faggot?" hanging about, it's a wonder some of the more southern states aren't rolling in stand-up comedians. All of these are real.
Gem #1
"Why don't you go suck on a cock you fucking British faggot? We fucking invented the English language and you can't even speak it properly, and you know why? You've got a cock/frog (it was hard to tell which he said) in your mouth the whole time you homos! Fuckin' fags!"
Gem #2
*Referring to the Chinese* "They are an inferior people; smaller stature, narrow shoulders, squinty eyes; they are second-class, just like Finns or Poles, but not as bad as Chechens or Kazaks."
Gem #3
I found this on a forum where I was discussing the amount of damage Bush and his cronies have done to the world. In addition to being a "whiny liberal", he said :
"It's because of people like you we have Bush in power at the moment!"
Damn me. I wish I hadn't voted for the candidate I hate in the country I don't live in while being under the legal age for voting.
Gem #4
"Oh well look who we've got here! A fucking British fag!"
"Another racist, xenophobic American!" - Me
"You shut your mouth you fucking British bitch and you shut it now! You people are all fucking fags!"
"If we are all gay, how come there are still English people?" - Me
"You shut your mouth British bitch!"
Gem #5
"Obviously some godly thing made up existence, and it didn't come outta some fat guy's asshole. Atheists come on what the fuck? Just admit that something godly made the universe."
I honestly find it unlikely that the Universe "came out of some fat guy's asshole", I don't think any belief system declares that to be the truth.
Gem #6
"Shut up you British fag, we saved you in World War Two!"
"So?" - Me
"So we saved your fucking asses! Without us you'd be ruled by the fucking French now!"
Gem #1

Gem #2

Gem #3
"It's because of people like you we have Bush in power at the moment!"
Damn me. I wish I hadn't voted for the candidate I hate in the country I don't live in while being under the legal age for voting.
Gem #4

"Another racist, xenophobic American!" - Me
"You shut your mouth you fucking British bitch and you shut it now! You people are all fucking fags!"
"If we are all gay, how come there are still English people?" - Me
"You shut your mouth British bitch!"
Gem #5

I honestly find it unlikely that the Universe "came out of some fat guy's asshole", I don't think any belief system declares that to be the truth.
Gem #6

"So?" - Me
"So we saved your fucking asses! Without us you'd be ruled by the fucking French now!"
Gem 1:
Oh yes, how silly of me. Americans invented the English language, not the English. Why would the English invent a language called English? How silly. It's not like the English have been around centuries longer than Americans.
Gem 2:
I am truly surprised that an American had heard of Finns, Poles, Chechens or Kazaks.
Gem 3:
Yeah, why did you vote for Bush? Honestly.
Gem 4:
How retarded.
Gem 5:
I don't know what to say about that one.
Gem 6:
Actually, America didn't really save us. We won the Battle of Britain and had air-superiority. Other than the odd air-raid, Hitler called off the invasion of Britain. So, he went and invaded Russia. If he had managed to conquer Russia, we would have had about 3-4 years to prepare for fighting off an invasion. We had many plans to fight back with a guerilla war. And besides, even if Hitler had invaded us and won, I would prefer to live under his rule than in a world where the most powerful man has an IQ of less than 100. The worst thing is that America only joined the war because Japan attacked them. That's one hell of a good alliance between Britain and the old United Fucktards of Retardville. And at least we don't shoot our Allies.
I think that Americans must be jealous of us Brits. We seem to have things much better over here.
Well said. But yeah, it is a bit dumb to call English "English", after all - we didn't invent it.
I hear Americans can't understand sarcasm, so I wouldn't use it if I were you.
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