Go! Go now!
#5 : "Yo Blair"
So it was fairly amusing to see B&B discussing their various gifts upon not realising the microphone was off. Discussing jumpers, nicknames, all kinds of charming things you don't really except mass-murderers and war criminals to discuss. But the phrase -
I hate rap. Most people should know this. I see no musical value in thousands of different people - all called "Shizz dawg" or "Dawg shizz" or "Yo Pimpa Ma Nizzle" or "I'm so dumb I failed nursery" or something - talking over a simplistic beat about how many hos they've pimped or some nonsense. I also, therefore, hate the words "Sup" and "Yo". Whenever doing anything online, if anyone greets me with either of those words I instantly kick them from whatever game I am in. I refuse to play with teenage idiots who have IQs lower than their age. And so the simple use of Yo in this phrase makes it all the more horrible.
#4 : “Web 2.0”
Unless I’ve missed something truly colossal, this is nothing more than some pointless buzzword which could mean any of several things. Idiots and clods alike use it to refer to some kind of new internet, a concept which seems essentially impossible. You cannot replace the internet at this stage and hope that people will move, like digital TV, you can merely upgrade the internet as you go along, a process which happens by itself without some nonsensical post-modern phrase attached to it. That said, post-modern itself is an equally nonsensical phrase. But the upgrading bit-by-bit is shown by the simple fact that no-one uses Netscape any more and the total lack of playing 56k dial-up games unless you live in
Web 2.0 is probably user-generated content, which we’re already seeing with blogs, Youtube and that Bebo thing with the photos and the words I’m being pressured to join by everybody I know (i.e. Vicky). So stop saying Web 2.0, and read the rest of this entry instead.
#3 : “I’m Jack Thompson”
#2 : "Bringing democracy and freedom"
Finally we come to that neo-con rhetoric used to somehow justify military adventurism. Not totally sure how much democracy there is in
#1 : “Am I boverred?”
Shut up Catherine Tate! Shut the fuck up and die! Please! You’re not funny! No-one finds you funny! And if they do, they should be neutered! Because you’re not funny! Are you seeing a pattern here? Just like the pattern of anti-humour on your appalling show!
I actually thought her shitty, shitty show couldn’t possibly get any worse, but then her and Tony Blair appeared in the same scene. It was bad enough, seeing the two most unpleasant people in the country at once, but then he said it. He said the phrase. And the laughter track erupted as if someone had turned it up to 11 (“it’s like 10, but one higher”). Yet, bizarrely, it wasn’t funny. I didn’t even crack a smile. I didn’t even think about beginning to crack a smile, because there was no damned humour in it. ANYWHERE. AT ALL. EVER.
-----On a brief, amusing note, we randomly investigated what houses we could now buy in the US since $1 = 0.0001p given the current exchange rate. Or something. Anyway, various states offered up all kinds of different options.
Two states provided us with these brilliant semi-mansions :

While another, un-named state, provided us with a shack in what looks like White Trash Central. Guess the state!

Yeah, all of the houses we looked at were in the $450k - $550k range, since we assumed this would be about what most of us could afford if we sold our houses. So yes, both those two houses at the top are about $460k and the one at the bottom IS, HONESTLY the same price.
As a hint, the one of the right is in North Carolina.
apparently it's a northern state
does anyone think Segways are nifty?
i wonder how well they work uphill.
I saw someone on one at a car show recently
They really motor! Stupid bastard almost ran me over.
They handle rough ground and slopes really well, and are definitely not a *complete* waste of money. (though you look like a twat on it)
However, if they run out of batteries, or you have a system failure (as this guy did BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!) it pitches you onto your face at whatever speed you're going at as the motors lock up instantly. WAS SO FUNNY! Imagine a 40 year old bald fat guy suddenly ploughing up the ground with his face at 10 mph having looked so swish before :P
That's quite funny. I also read that early ones had a bug in the speed limiter that literally launched people backwards... hilarious
I wish they were legal on the roads here. Really I do.
I would like to add a phrase to this list:
"They really motor!" - Hayden Cole (see above). PLEASE die.
hahaha! i am named-i rule.
however, when have i ever bugged u about getting bebo? i just said you were a cretin of antiquity :D
also guys: who says nifty and they really motor? apart from "a 40 year old bald fat guy"? wrong...
(love the spinal tap quote)
catherine tate is a ledge. at least its funny unlike geek comedies like monty python blach!. don't dissher and anyway it was really good that tony blair did his bit for charidee as did GA and the sugababes.
She's a ledge? I'm fairly certain she is human, rather than geography.
And the suggestion that Catherine Tate is funnier than Monthy Python is absurd. Monty Python actually makes you laugh. Catherine Tate is only funny if you don't understand what humour is and think the laughter track is always right.
I don't find catherine tate funny in any way. I find it really awkward to watch, like the really crap bits of Little Britain.
stab in the dark at Alabama
... im not going to analyse the KKK implications of what I just said...
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