Friday, March 02, 2007


Right, yes, it's been a while since the last blog entry. But in the intervening time several things have happened, including the C&C 3 demo, physics coursework, the C&C 3 demo, a migraine, the C&C 3 demo and a psychology mock. I'm well aware that is a pathetic excuse, but I intend to stick by it nevertheless.
The next update is going to be an amusing one again roughly based on my intense hatred of all things Hentai, but for now we will be doing something vaguely political I'm also busy baiting another Nigerian Prince scammer, so that could produce something amusing soon.

Firstly, as various people are aware I went to London on the 24th of February for a No Trident march, through various groups were also there representing their various organisations. I spotted the young socialists, the British Communist Party and even a group with a vast banner declaring "9/11 Was A Frame-Up". Anyway, watch the video below and then lament the fact that you weren't there because of some crazyness involving a secret holiday in a bunker in Portsmouth. Or something.
The track playing is "Let's Impeach the President" by Neil Young. It may become a little more appropriate if you replace "President" with "Prime-Minister" and "impeach" with "kick out of office and try for war crimes". You decide.

Next up on my bi-monthly "list of things in real life that suck" is Conservapedia. Apparently a bunch of evangelical republican nutcases decided that Wikipedia is biased. The main reason they give is this:

"Edits to include facts against the theory of evolution are almost immediately censored."

That's like saying that facts about Somalia is nothing more than a hologram is censored. That's like saying that facts about Cherie Blair being a sex goddess are censored. That's like saying the facts about me being a termite in a suit are censored.
Newsflash people: evolution happens. You can watch it when you see a White House press conference as Bush tries desperately to get his mind around the most elementary of words and ascend a little further up the evolutionary ladder.

So, what else has pissed me off in the news recently. Well, John McCain has declared he will run to be the next Despot of the USA, thousands more people have been killed in Iraq and Afghanistan, and Britney Spears is on suicide watch. Who gives a flying fuck if some idiot popstar kills herself? If she does kill herself, the average IQ of the world will take a lurch upwards. Oh, and there was another inquest into the Diana death, despite it being a total accident which was totally overhyped and an event which no-one really cared about.

In addition, Daniel Radcliffe apparently had sex with a horse or something. Work that one out Conservapedia.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

God...YouTube is terrible quality isn't it?

Well, I don't agree with you, but I'm glad you went. I hate people sitting around and complaining about politics while just fisting themselves, so it's good to see someone on a march for once.

"ialmrtpg" - no clue.

10:07 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hooray for the communists. The conspiracy theorists are just stupid. Please leave.

"Let's kick out of office and try for war crimes the Prime Minister" doesn't quite have the same ring to it, but I guess we could try and write a song like that.

"brijj" - A Norwegian bridge. Or, George Bush's attempted spelling of bridge. Or both. Maybe George Bush is in fact from Norway. Who knows....

10:19 pm  

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