In the words of the main character in A Clockwork Orange, I don't mind "a bit of the old ultra-violence" here and there. I have Sin City and both the Kill Bills on DVD, so the film of Battle Royale seemed a sensible idea. I first watched it on Youtube, then downloaded a nicer Bittorrent version, and now I intend to buy the £18 super DVD mega-box-set-tron. The film has been described as a modern-day Lord of the Flies, but I disagree - Battle Royale isn't shite.
Battle Royale is set in Japan in the near future and probably a slightly different universe from our own. Unemployment has reached record levels and nearly a million students are boycotting school. Fearing the youth, the government pass the Educational Reform Act V, otherwise known as the BR act, or Battle Royale. In order to scare young people back into obedience, a randomly chosen class (selected by "impartial lottery" as their teacher explains") will be sent to an island each year, armed, and set free to kill each other. If the 40-odd students haven't wittled each other down to just one survivor by then, a necklace they are wearing will explode and kill them anyway.

Battle Royale is - funnily enough - very violent. The kids are given weapons ranging from a scythe or nunchucks to a pistol or an Uzi. Some have more creative weapons such as hand grenades or food poison, which implies you'd have to gain someone's trust before using it. But the violence is a required part of the film, rather than just showing off and being pointlessly gory as it can be in some others. The acting is generally good but I feel the translation in the subtitles is sometimes a little off. At one point, someone we thought was dead gets up and says "Yes! I survived thanks to my excellent bullet-proof vest!"
Would anyone actually say that? I suspect the original was more like - "Phew, glad I was wearing a bullet-proof vest" or something similar.
The film has three main "villains" - two of the students who decide to go nuts and butcher everyone, and their teacher who is following the progress of the game. These two students kill off half of the class by themselves in various creative and gory ways. As apparently often happens in Japanese films (as opposed to Hollywood) is that the ending isn't totally explained - you have to guess the explanation to one or two bits, though it helps if you've read the book. Which I am currently doing.
There is more to the film than perhaps first meets the eye. There is lots of very black humour and comments on various things, ranging from how adults see themselves to what people are capable of when "let loose" as it were. While at first we hate their teacher, later on things get more complicated and we realise maybe he isn't quite as evil as we first thought.
This film has shot into my Top 10 films with ease, and so I say this - WATCH IT. Now.
Just as with Borat, I refuse to give any film 10/10. So 9/10 is effectively the highest rating anything is going to get...
Battle Royale is set in Japan in the near future and probably a slightly different universe from our own. Unemployment has reached record levels and nearly a million students are boycotting school. Fearing the youth, the government pass the Educational Reform Act V, otherwise known as the BR act, or Battle Royale. In order to scare young people back into obedience, a randomly chosen class (selected by "impartial lottery" as their teacher explains") will be sent to an island each year, armed, and set free to kill each other. If the 40-odd students haven't wittled each other down to just one survivor by then, a necklace they are wearing will explode and kill them anyway.

Now, I realise this is a lot more relevant to people of my age, being forced to kill off your classmates and what not, but it's still a great film regardless of age. Some people decide to play the game and maybe settle previous scores while others commit suicide. A few try to find a way to either stop the game or find a way out without being killed. With 42 students at the start, and with the battle supposed to whittle them down to just 1, the kill count is high. Telling exactly how high would ruin the confusing end of the film.

Would anyone actually say that? I suspect the original was more like - "Phew, glad I was wearing a bullet-proof vest" or something similar.

There is more to the film than perhaps first meets the eye. There is lots of very black humour and comments on various things, ranging from how adults see themselves to what people are capable of when "let loose" as it were. While at first we hate their teacher, later on things get more complicated and we realise maybe he isn't quite as evil as we first thought.
This film has shot into my Top 10 films with ease, and so I say this - WATCH IT. Now.
Just as with Borat, I refuse to give any film 10/10. So 9/10 is effectively the highest rating anything is going to get...

A very nice article there - it's pleasing to see a positive review on here occasionally. I hope to see this film soon :)
You didn't mention it, but I assume it is an 18 rated film due to the ultraviolence.
If you have Film4 then you can watch it on Saturday 20th at 10:45pm. Having also watched it myself, I would recommend you do.
Having survived a shot to the torso thanks to a bulletproof vest, I personally would sit up, look at my torso and scream "HOLY SHIT!" or maybe "Thank heavens for this nifty bulletproof vest of bullet-stopping power + 34."
I saw Battle Royale 2(!) on Channel4 a while back. It was terrible. The premise was the same, although having missed the premise of the first one and the first 2 minutes of the film (in which the plot is explained)all I saw was a man in a room with 40 children when of them randomly blew up. This, of course, led to someone else dying. Then there was a shitty version of D-Day...and the whole film went from excruciatingly bad to unwatchable shite on a massive stick formed entirely of SHIT (so not really a stick..but it was stick-shaped shit with a shit on top).
can't the last guy take his exploding trinket off?
sounds pretty cool, I want to do that, but who else would be in the class... suggestions?
ill be there on film4 tahnkyou mr surpling
Lol I downloaded it same time as you and still havnt watched yet...
Sounds really crazy kurazy, gonna watch l8r on tonight.
'twas not Spurling, was Tom from teh poker partay.
och aye cheers monsieur TOM then
~I doff my cap at you~
hey thats this saTURDay
also: RAPE
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