So, Alex Rider. The teenage super-spy who does impossibly nonsense like zooming down the side of an impossible skislope on an ironing board. But was that as absurd as tightrope walking - wholly untrained - across the roof of a burning buildng? Who could say.
Nevertheless, Alex does some absurdity involving a giant inflatable colon or something and saves the day for the first - and sadly not the last - time.
Point Blanc
Skeleton Key
Basically, the plot of this literary misfire involves a Russian general who wants to blow up his own country to restore it to its former glory or something while also poisoning an old school friend and drowning him under piles of voluptuous women.
He also seems to want Alex as his son, bringing in nice subtle undertones of paedophilia into the already spicy mix of crap. In addition, the Russian general has an assistant called Conrad, who in keeping with the holy-shit-this-guy-is-bizarre tradition of henchmen has a metal head. And body. Basically, he's a robot or something, and so eventually Alex uses a magnetic crane to dump him in a lake, which saves the day!!!
Eagle Strike
Ok, now this one really passed me by. Something happens involving a plane, a mercenary and six tubs of lube.
Well, the series got off to a nicely xenophobic and generally minority-insulting start. A dwarven foreigner has come to England is mass producing computers filled with poison. Despite this being perfectly clear on the details of the computers, stupid headteachers are buying them up. Advice : don't buy poisoned computers, you morons! Alex Rider then changes himself to go undercover (see below) and infiltrate Sayle's factory, which also contains sharks. A quick lesson for Anthony Horowitz - sharks are not manufactured.

Point Blanc
So, Alex Rider returns this time to go school. Oh, the excitement! Will he assassinate the dinner ladies when they feed him the wrong type of chip? Will he garrotte his maths teacher for being an incredible bore who is less interesting than a seagull? Alas no. In his latest absurdity he will battle some kind of living skeleton man accompanied by a giant hermaphrodite nazi, an unlikely pair who have nevertheless managed to clone humans.
Some people die, some people get shot, an SAS soldier no-one cares about dies, and then Alex Rider kills someone with a mechanized slow-sled thing. What does he say? "You've been sleighed."
Oh, and he also skis down a mountain on an ironing board as mentioned earlier, hits a freaking train at full speed but still survives. Horowitz is cranking up the realism index meter thing!!!!!
Some people die, some people get shot, an SAS soldier no-one cares about dies, and then Alex Rider kills someone with a mechanized slow-sled thing. What does he say? "You've been sleighed."
Oh, and he also skis down a mountain on an ironing board as mentioned earlier, hits a freaking train at full speed but still survives. Horowitz is cranking up the realism index meter thing!!!!!
Skeleton Key
Ok, so which country or group shall we insult this time? I feel like a gander down "Better Dead Than Red" lane - let's have a bloated Russian who misses the good old days and may or may not look like Comrade Bloatface below.

He also seems to want Alex as his son, bringing in nice subtle undertones of paedophilia into the already spicy mix of crap. In addition, the Russian general has an assistant called Conrad, who in keeping with the holy-shit-this-guy-is-bizarre tradition of henchmen has a metal head. And body. Basically, he's a robot or something, and so eventually Alex uses a magnetic crane to dump him in a lake, which saves the day!!!
Eagle Strike
Ok, now this one really passed me by. Something happens involving a plane, a mercenary and six tubs of lube.