Sunday, March 11, 2007


Right, here's a quick quiz for everyone. All of these are fact about myself, but one of them isn't true. Post in the comments which you think is the lie, and we'll see if anyone gets it right.

I have been in a submarine
I am distantly related to Nelson
I was on BBC News at 6 next to a cow and a man in period costume
I somehow managed to cut my finger on my shoe
I cook a mean scrambled egg
I own a film never released in the US due to its violence
I recently destroyed a CRT monitor
I can drink vinegar
I have had all 3 Dark Materials signed, in person, by Philip Pullman
I have been called a human thesaurus
I eat my breakfast cereals without milk on
I own/have owned 12 versions of computer technology, yet hate mobile phones
My great-grandfather died in a murder attempt which was meant to kill someone else
I have probably written nearly 1000 A5 pages of assorted stories
I drink orange juice but the smell of oranges makes me sick
I own around 40 old Doctor Who VHS tapes
I eat Battenberg with the marzipan cut off
I think the Godfather is the most over-rated film ever made
I have never eaten a single piece of chocolate
I wear almost entirely black but I wouldn't really say I'm a goth

So, which is the lie? All will be revealed in the next entry.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You don't cook a mean scrambled egg... that would mean an impossible leap of perception as to the intended feelings of the aforementioned egg towards any being past or present.

8:33 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the BBC one! mostly cause u smell mark, u smell like a mean scrambled egg!

8:35 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

*makes random guess at the film one*

8:41 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Submarine!! Submarine!!

I'm wrong, aren't I?

Well, at least I have the moral victory.

8:48 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it is...

"I have never eaten a single piece of chocolate"

Because if you have never eaten any, then why or how would you know you didnt want to. Surely you have eaten a little......, but the the question is does that count as a 'piece' if you did <_>

8:50 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"My great-grandfather died in a murder attempt which was meant to kill someone else"


8:58 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The orange juice one, clearly. You're trying to trick us all with some evil scam. We all know you destroyed the CRT, you must have been in a submarine and you accidentally told me a certain few other ones were true. As such - orange juice. That and I know you hate The Godfather.

9:19 pm  
Blogger dj chainz said...

I'm going with the "I have never eaten a single piece of chocolate", as I agree with the argument kieran put forward. You must have consumed at least one piece of chocolate in your lifetime ever; a piece is defined as "a portion, for example a piece of pie".

9:29 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The film.

9:46 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

murder attempt.

i reckon.

come on, tell us.


10:05 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I refuse to decide between two

either the grandfather dying in a feat to kill someone else

or the chocolate one

I think it may be the granddad one... maybe?


10:21 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

just so everyone knows...i did actually know it was the vinegar one BEFORE the answers went up. (mark forced me at gun-point to do the quiz in but i got banned from computer :(

But i win!!

6:46 pm  

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