"Things aren't looking good." declared the combine in the white outfit as they peered out from behind the hastily-built barricade.
The two Combine had been pinned down for a few hours and had put together a make-shift barricade. Despite being devoid of all human emotions after the Combine de-sensitised them, they still felt something of a bond. Two of the last Combine in City 17...
"Seeing as City 17 is under attack..." muttered the white Combine, "and we might not have long to live...I've never asked you. What's your name?"
The navy-blue combine pointed to his nametag. "It says here 'Combine Soldier' on my tag," he read.
"I'm Combine Elite," added the white one. "That's why I have the cool red eye."
"It is pretty cool."
"Thankyou. Lousy depth perception though."
They shook hands.

After that they sat in silence for another few minutes, pondering their fate. Combine Soldier sat on the crate and put his shotgun over his shoulder.
"Do you think Freeman is heading this way?"
"I expect so. This game is more linear than a redneck family tree, although they try to pretend otherwise. If this area's been built into the game - which clearly it has, since we're here - he should turn up soon. If we're really unlucky he'll have up to 4 team-mates with him."
"I've heard they aren't really much use," pointed out Combine Soldier. "They get in the way pretty often and excuse themselves in strange ways."
Combine Elite nodded.
"But maybe we're not screwed," suggested Combine Elite. "We can fight Freeman! We're the best our alien overlords can make - well, I am anyway."
"Yes!" exclaimed Combine Soldier. "We can stop him! We're not going to let him and his ordinary civilian fighters destroy us!"
"I was young like you, once," mused Combine Elite in a kind voice. "I thought we could crush the people of Earth, drain their oceans and leave this planet a worthless husk. But time mellows you."
Outside their barricade, a rebel soldier picked his way through the debris and settled down with his RPG.
"Come on sir, look on the bright side!" exclaimed Combine Soldier. "There's no way they could get at us in here."

"Seeing as City 17 is under attack..." muttered the white Combine, "and we might not have long to live...I've never asked you. What's your name?"
The navy-blue combine pointed to his nametag. "It says here 'Combine Soldier' on my tag," he read.
"I'm Combine Elite," added the white one. "That's why I have the cool red eye."
"It is pretty cool."
"Thankyou. Lousy depth perception though."
They shook hands.

After that they sat in silence for another few minutes, pondering their fate. Combine Soldier sat on the crate and put his shotgun over his shoulder.
"Do you think Freeman is heading this way?"
"I expect so. This game is more linear than a redneck family tree, although they try to pretend otherwise. If this area's been built into the game - which clearly it has, since we're here - he should turn up soon. If we're really unlucky he'll have up to 4 team-mates with him."
"I've heard they aren't really much use," pointed out Combine Soldier. "They get in the way pretty often and excuse themselves in strange ways."
Combine Elite nodded.
"But maybe we're not screwed," suggested Combine Elite. "We can fight Freeman! We're the best our alien overlords can make - well, I am anyway."
"Yes!" exclaimed Combine Soldier. "We can stop him! We're not going to let him and his ordinary civilian fighters destroy us!"
"I was young like you, once," mused Combine Elite in a kind voice. "I thought we could crush the people of Earth, drain their oceans and leave this planet a worthless husk. But time mellows you."
Outside their barricade, a rebel soldier picked his way through the debris and settled down with his RPG.

Nice little story :)
Gotta love those game tie-in stories ;) Shame the animation ain't here, I can see how it would've worked well
The question is : who can spot the G-man hiding in there?
Woo! I found him! If partly because I had a higher-res version of it.
Nice explosion as well.
"Phew" said Combine Elite. "It's just as well we're those annoying things built into the background of games that can't actually be killed."
"Yeah, that sure was lucky." said Combine Soldier.
Also, my word verification spelt BRAYWIGG, which I think is some sort of wig for a donkey.
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