Well, I've recieved a lot of feedback on the Story of WTF. In addition to the overwhelming positive comments - thankyou everybody! - a few things have come to my attention. First and foremost, some people think there is too much dying. Having played it again since then, I now agree that in some areas it can be too tough to find the correct route, specifically Mushrooms & the Sewers. Thus, over the next few days I will be editing these to create looped areas - the incorrect choice doesn't kill you, but it merely gives you all the options again. This happens several times already in the game and I think it needs more of these.
Next, for those who don't know, we intend to add to the Story of WTF monthly. We already have most of the pictures for the expansion done and a good part of the writing. So, two more things for this entry :
This is our main map with the un-released areas faded out. All of these will be appearing over the coming months.
This should also help those who haven't yet found all the existing areas or aren't sure how to get around. Why is the Mushrooms line dotted? Because when you return from part of the expansion, we can't have you going back to Mars and going in a loop, can we?
Next, a trailer for the first expansion that you lucky people have to look forward to.
Finally, a hilarious quote from US Government Official Fuckwit John Bolton - "The USA is not responsible for all the ills of the world!"
Comedy gold.
Next, for those who don't know, we intend to add to the Story of WTF monthly. We already have most of the pictures for the expansion done and a good part of the writing. So, two more things for this entry :
This is our main map with the un-released areas faded out. All of these will be appearing over the coming months.

Next, a trailer for the first expansion that you lucky people have to look forward to.
Finally, a hilarious quote from US Government Official Fuckwit John Bolton - "The USA is not responsible for all the ills of the world!"
Comedy gold.
I think I have every ending from SOWTF an expansion pack is just what we need.
That is all.
"Death be Gone" removes 33% of all death in online games, making for a smoother, more tolerable gaming experience. Available today from your local gaming retailer for only $45.99 or £0.01 (exchange rates).
And yes, that Death be Gone image is MY shitty art. Do you have a problem with that?
And finally, I'm not quite sure how many additional endings we have in store for you in the expansion just yet, although I can tell you that, atleast in my section, its nigh on impossible to die (the Kraken ate alot of Death Be Gone, available from all good retail outlets). However, in this area, some of the possible endings have been sacrificed for the sack of a more immersive gaming experience. It's also the technically most advanced section so far, with multiple interlinking routes and so forth.
Tom said:
"have been sacrificed for the sack of a more immersive gaming experience"
There's a sack of immersive gaming? How big is this sack? How much could it hold? Is it like Mary Poppins's bag in that holds more than it should?
Sorry for being an arse.
Anyhoo, the expansion sounds rather fun. Multiple interlinking paths, eh? Interesting...*strokes beard*
I would have done the same had someone else mistyped, indeed I routinely do. However, in this case there IS a giant sack which is deemed to be very important. Look out for it in the expansion. See if you can find it!!! And the arse idea is infact remarkably accurate.
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