The Belgian detective apparently has decided to take some time out to interview people. Nevertheless you decide not to trust someone like that with uncovering the murderer, and you continue your own investigations. While you head to the doctor, you notice Lord Barnacle-Smythe sneaking out of the room into the corridor. Postponing your appointment with the older woman, you slyly trail Lord Barnacle-Smythe outside.
He pauses outside, his feet squeaking on the floor tiles. He pauses for a moment as if listening to check anyone following him. You leap to one side and take cover behind a plant pot. He moves on and you promptly follow him.
Lord Barnacle-Smythe pushes open a door and goes into a courtyard. You hang back to observe what happens.
"Where are you?" hisses the Lord. A dark-suited man appears from somewhere behind a hedge and whispers something back. Unfortunately you are unable to catch their conversation.
The new man raises his voice suddenly and shouts something about "the mission". Eventually Lord Barnacle-Smythe hands over a white packet with something in, and they go their seperate ways.
You've moved out of the doorway and are now standing in the courtyard, but suddenly you realise the Lord is heading back your way. In the darkness he doesn't seem to have noticed you yet. You are forced to dive into the pond on one side and pretend to be a carp until he passes by.
You return to the Drawing Room later with a change of clothes. You catch a strand of conversation which suggests the mansion has been cordoned off so no-one can leave until the murderer is uncovered. You finally manage to reach the doctor, and ask heim what he thinks of the situation.
The doctor is twirling his speculum as if a baton as he replies.
"I'm really not sure, to be honest. It all seems a little too convinient if you ask me. Had I murdered her I would've removed the knife and cleaned it instantly. There's a risk of infection if you don't. She was a bit of an unpleasant patient though, I certainly won't miss her in my practice. Don't think I'm being heartless, but some people are just impossible to deal with..."
You're not quite sure how useful that is, but you thank the doctor all the same. Even though you've now talked to everyone, you don't feel any the wiser. Everyone seems to have at least a little bit of a motive except the Countess, but Lord Barnacle-Smythe was by far the most suspicious.
To be continued...
Once again, any questions will be answered.
He pauses outside, his feet squeaking on the floor tiles. He pauses for a moment as if listening to check anyone following him. You leap to one side and take cover behind a plant pot. He moves on and you promptly follow him.
Lord Barnacle-Smythe pushes open a door and goes into a courtyard. You hang back to observe what happens.
"Where are you?" hisses the Lord. A dark-suited man appears from somewhere behind a hedge and whispers something back. Unfortunately you are unable to catch their conversation.
The new man raises his voice suddenly and shouts something about "the mission". Eventually Lord Barnacle-Smythe hands over a white packet with something in, and they go their seperate ways.
You've moved out of the doorway and are now standing in the courtyard, but suddenly you realise the Lord is heading back your way. In the darkness he doesn't seem to have noticed you yet. You are forced to dive into the pond on one side and pretend to be a carp until he passes by.
The doctor is twirling his speculum as if a baton as he replies.
"I'm really not sure, to be honest. It all seems a little too convinient if you ask me. Had I murdered her I would've removed the knife and cleaned it instantly. There's a risk of infection if you don't. She was a bit of an unpleasant patient though, I certainly won't miss her in my practice. Don't think I'm being heartless, but some people are just impossible to deal with..."
You're not quite sure how useful that is, but you thank the doctor all the same. Even though you've now talked to everyone, you don't feel any the wiser. Everyone seems to have at least a little bit of a motive except the Countess, but Lord Barnacle-Smythe was by far the most suspicious.
To be continued...
Once again, any questions will be answered.
What IS Lord Barnacle-smythe's IQ? He must be pretty damn stupid to assume that I, the reader, am a fish. Unless of course I, the reader, represent a fish quite a lot.
Lord Barnacle-Smythe has a relatively high IQ, however he has a rare disease known as "Crapburger's Syndrome." This means that he often mistakes people for other things if they are in a state people are unlikely to be found in. Eg, he would easily mistake someone standing perfectly still in a wood for a tree. Or, in this case, because you were where he expected Carp to be, he thought you were a Carp. Research is continuing...
Why was the woman in the doctor's practice and why would the dcotor be concerned about infection with a corpse?
Also, How many murders has this detective worked on before? Why is he not in Belgium at the moment?
The doctor is quite careful and makes sure everything is disinfected, even things which don't need to be. The woman was in his surgery several times because she had a tragic bowel problem.
The Belgian detective has never worked on anything more important than a missing cat, and he is taking a break from his native Belgium because he wants to get out and see the world!
So why was he here? Does he even know Lord What's-his-face, or was he accompanying another guest? Or was he uninvited?
How many murders have occured in this area before and how many of the people here are, or are related to, known murderers?
The Belgian detective is a friend of Lord Barnacle-Smythe's, yes. They went to Oxford together.
The area is notorious as being murder-free. Many people actually move there because there has never been a single recorded murder. There are, however, those who say the police might be altering the statistics.
And who are those people?
You know. PEOPLE.
Oh. Like that man I saw in the park. He scares me.
I have it!
The woman (not over her bowel problems) crapped SO hard and SO fast that it catapulted a sharp knife from behind her on to the wall. It bounced off and landed in her back, killing her.
(W) <<<<<<<<|
(o)<<<<<< >>>|(bounces off)
(m)CRAP>>>knife | WALL
(a) |
(n) |
And thus the mystery was solved.
DAMNIT!!! The diagram looked useful when I was typing it out. Now it looks totally incoherant.
Also, how has the area been cordoned off without police presence?
And what kind of cord is it?
The area has been cordoned off using special MegaCord TM, because that is the kind of thing that tends to happen in a Murder Mystery.
What kind of vehicle did Lord Barnacle Smythe use to get to the party? And the blonde woman? And the lion tamer? And the rich woman? And the old woman? And the probing doctor? And the fat belgian?
Lord Barnacle-Smythe lives there, so he used his feet.
The Blonde woman took a taxi.
The Lion Tamer arrived via elephant.
The Rich Woman was driven in her limosuine.
The Old Woman took public transport and consequently took twice as long as everyone else to arrive.
The Doctor arrived on a unicycle.
The Fat Belgian has a battered old Nissan.
"The Lion Tamer arrived via elephant."
African or Indian?
And what brand and type of knife is it with which the woman was killed? e.g. "lion meat cleaver" or "belgian butcher"
He arrived via Indian elephant, he prefers their ear-shape.
The knife was a poorly-disguised surgical blade, but the Belgian is far too intoxicated to realise that. You realise this implicates the Doctor, but things may not be as simple as they look...
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