Murder Mystery 2 Part the Second II Two
The rich woman looks like a countess. She is wearing a glamorous ballgown and has a poodle on a leash. You find her rather ugly.
"Isn't it terrible?" you ask to break the ice.
She nods, as if holding back tears. "I've never witnessed anything so horrible!"
"Ever looked in a mirror?" you ask before walking away, disappointed. She seems rather upset by your brutally honest reply. You walk over to the older woman.
"Her name was Gloria," explains the haggard old woman, munching on some kind of cough sweet. "She used to work part time at my Bingo club, until there was a certain incident, and she was forced to leave. Good riddance to the bitch!"
You ask exactly what she did that was so terrible, but the old lady refuses to explain more. You get the impression it became something of a long-standing vendetta between the two.
"Anything else you can tell me?" you ask.
She pops another cough sweet in her mouth. "Sure, ask me about any of these guests. I make it my business to know everything about the people in this town, so I guarantee I can tell you something useful."
Before you can say any more, the fat man clears his throat. You politely shut the hell up.
"We have a murder here. You're all going to let me solve it. I know you are because even though the police are only two streets away and are almost certainly more qualified than I am, you feel a fat Belgian detective is bound to solve the mystery! At the end I will gather you all together in this room and slowly eliminate the suspects one by one! Not only that, but I'm even under the influence of alcohol!"
He hiccups. "All the better to solve the crime with!"
The Belgian detective spins on his foot and patrols the room, coming to rest next to the corpse. "The first stage of any investigation is to decide if this really is a corpse, or an elaborate ruse."
He pokes the glamorous blonde. She seems real enough. He then proceeds to yank the knife out from her back, illiciting a plume of blood.
"It would appear this is a real corpse," he admits, absently wiping the bloodied knife on his dinner jacket. "Now, who here would have a motive?"
He spins to face the doctor with the probing tool. "You! Perhaps she was an illicit lover who you had to hide to your wife? Or perhaps she merely insulted your professionalism as a doctor and you were insulted! Or maybe it's something as harmless as a dead-body probing fetish? Eh?"
The fat Belgian detective points to the doctor's probing tool as if offering proof. The doctor stays unmoved in the face of the Belgian's loony claims. "I've never met her before in my life," is the reply.
The Belgian fattie looks derailed, and you realise it's going to be a long night.

Leave a question in the comments to get a reply. Ask about any character and information will be given...
Note : Asking "Who is the murderer" doesn't work. Questions along the lines of "What are Lord Barnacle's Smythe's hobbies?" or "Where did the blonde woman live?" are more useful. That is, they will actually be answered.
On a totally random note, today I got another ancient retro game at 1/5th of normal price. Ha-ha.

If the fat guy wasn't so retarded, wouldn't it have been easier to take prints from the knife, make the guests give their prints and then find out who used the knife?
And also, I would like to know:
How fat is the fat Belgian?
Did the fat belgian detective and the dead woman ever have quick romantic fling with each other before she dumped him and he comfort ate until he reached his current size?
Faf - he is very, very fat. The pic should give some idea...
Tom - Possibly.
I want quantities of fat.
His waist diameter is over 3 metres.
In centimetres?
Also - make the character ring the Bingo hall - and ask what happened please.
You ring the bingo hall but the line is crackly and you can barely hear the voice on the other end.
You ask about an incident between an old lady and the glamorous blonde. You can barely hear the man on the other end, but he sounds worried.
"Don't trust the old woman!" he shouts down the other end. "We're losing the line, but what happened involved the numbers. She got furious about the numbers chosen, and then someone else-"
With a crackling of static the line drops.
How far does it drop?
In centimetres?
63. Even though that makes no sense.
What are Lord Barnacle's Smythe's hobbies?
Where did the blonde woman live?
Lord Barnacle Smythe enjoys most things aristocratic persons enjoy. Fox hunting, grouse shooting...various bloodsports. He's never been persuaded to take up bear baiting but there is rumour that he might do so sometime in the future.
She lived in a small house. It wasn't very nice however and the damp-proofing sucked ass.
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