Awful Business Ideas #37 : The Phantom

The Phantom is easy prey. There is so much to be said about this fiasco of a console that it has filled many webpages far, far worse than mine. However, I'm going to give my 2 Cents (currently just a little more than 1.1p) about this.
For those who don't know, the basic genius concept of the Phantom is to give the ordinary gamer a change fromordinary good consoles and allow you to play your PC games on your TV. A genius scheme you say! However, they failed to take in several important problems.
For those who don't know, the basic genius concept of the Phantom is to give the ordinary gamer a change from
> TVs offer lower quality.
> Hardware of consoles always lags behind PCs.
> It's a daft idea.
Despite this, they managed to take in over £35m in investments! I dread to think what foolish millionaries invested their money in this. No doubt the generation who think that anything to do with gaming will instantly appeal to the stupid youth of today, somewhere inbetween breaking public property, taking drugs and mugging the elderly (thankyou Anonymous).
But it gets worse! As if you still thought that buying a pointless & pointless expensive console to play your 5-year outdated PC games wasn't a bad idea, get a load of this. On Januray 3rd this year, they announced an add-on to the disaster that Phantom Entertainment Inc miscarried in a computer lab somewhere. A keyboard!
Yes! The first console with a keyboard! It was bound to work, because everyone knows people have perfectly flat surfaces on their sofas to rest it on. Perhaps one particularly clever PEI employee decided to make it flexible. Brilliant. Truly we are seeing the work of genius.
The final nail in the coffin is the whole £17 or something monthly fee. For playing outdated games. This reminds me fondly of the N-Gage.
The Phantom is currently worth a whopping 0.0049 on the stock market.
That comment doesn't really need any more discussion I feel. It pretty much says it all.
But it gets worse! As if you still thought that buying a pointless & pointless expensive console to play your 5-year outdated PC games wasn't a bad idea, get a load of this. On Januray 3rd this year, they announced an add-on to the disaster that Phantom Entertainment Inc miscarried in a computer lab somewhere. A keyboard!
Yes! The first console with a keyboard! It was bound to work, because everyone knows people have perfectly flat surfaces on their sofas to rest it on. Perhaps one particularly clever PEI employee decided to make it flexible. Brilliant. Truly we are seeing the work of genius.
The final nail in the coffin is the whole £17 or something monthly fee. For playing outdated games. This reminds me fondly of the N-Gage.
The Phantom is currently worth a whopping 0.0049 on the stock market.
That comment doesn't really need any more discussion I feel. It pretty much says it all.

Welcome to the future.
In an odd side-note for people like me who still like C&C 95, I'm in the process of updating a combination of my favourite missions from that into Yuri's Revenge. Why? I have no idea. But it looks like a pretty fun mission so far.
Also, coming Thursday : The Story of WTF Expansion!!!
What a crock of shit.
Why don't they just make a computer?
They have stopped the entire idea of making the phantom now, understandably. But foolishly they are still releasing the "keyboard with mousepad underneath" as a product known as the 'lapboard'. Like we still want to be away from the computer to play games.... ¬_¬
I'd buy a lapboard...maybe. Not such a bad idea if you're using a laptop = small keys and rubbish mouse. But laptop = portable and MASSIVE plank on the legs = not portable...
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