It was foggy.
Two henchmen of the evil alien overlords who planned to invade Earth, leech of it its natural resources, leave it a worthless heap of slag and then return to their homeworld were sitting on an APC. Following their previous adventure in the defence of City 17 where they left with a few light cuts and bruises, they were being allowed to rest before the next offensive. No-one could say the Combine didn't have a good health plan. A lonely scanner flew overhead, trying to find someone else to photograph.

They were still surprised that they had survived their encounter of yesterweek.
"Well, I don't know how we got out," said Combine Soldier helpfully.
"As I see it," continued Combine Elite, "either we were incredibly lucky, or-"
"It was all down to luck!" finished Combine Soldier brilliantly.
There was a brief pause when only the gunfire and occassional explosion could be heard. Then Combine Elite said "No wonder you didn't win that creative writing competition you told me about."
"It was rigged!" insisted Combine Soldier.
Elsewhere at the Overwatch Nexus, two Combine Police officers were having a conversation. Due to the lack of manpower because of the revolution, they'd been forced to redraft certain people into different jobs. These two were currently mechanics.

"Why are they on that APC?" asked one of them. "I thought it was off-bounds for the next while."
The other shrugged. "I haven't got round to fixing it yet, but it's okay to sit on. The problem is that one of the weapon strippers in the Citadel went on the blink and decided to blast the armour. It's now paper-thin. It's fine to sit on, but any gunshots would go right through. If they hit the petrol tank or whatever fuel system our fellow aliens use, it would go sky-high."
The first Metrocop looked around the Overwatch Nexus. A gunship sailed overhead as he considered.
"I guess that's okay. Those two have had a tough time, and it's not as if there are any rebels reported to be in this sector. Lucky that."

"It sure is," replied the other Metrocop. "It sure is."
Two henchmen of the evil alien overlords who planned to invade Earth, leech of it its natural resources, leave it a worthless heap of slag and then return to their homeworld were sitting on an APC. Following their previous adventure in the defence of City 17 where they left with a few light cuts and bruises, they were being allowed to rest before the next offensive. No-one could say the Combine didn't have a good health plan. A lonely scanner flew overhead, trying to find someone else to photograph.

They were still surprised that they had survived their encounter of yesterweek.
"Well, I don't know how we got out," said Combine Soldier helpfully.
"As I see it," continued Combine Elite, "either we were incredibly lucky, or-"
"It was all down to luck!" finished Combine Soldier brilliantly.
There was a brief pause when only the gunfire and occassional explosion could be heard. Then Combine Elite said "No wonder you didn't win that creative writing competition you told me about."
"It was rigged!" insisted Combine Soldier.
Elsewhere at the Overwatch Nexus, two Combine Police officers were having a conversation. Due to the lack of manpower because of the revolution, they'd been forced to redraft certain people into different jobs. These two were currently mechanics.

"Why are they on that APC?" asked one of them. "I thought it was off-bounds for the next while."
The other shrugged. "I haven't got round to fixing it yet, but it's okay to sit on. The problem is that one of the weapon strippers in the Citadel went on the blink and decided to blast the armour. It's now paper-thin. It's fine to sit on, but any gunshots would go right through. If they hit the petrol tank or whatever fuel system our fellow aliens use, it would go sky-high."
The first Metrocop looked around the Overwatch Nexus. A gunship sailed overhead as he considered.
"I guess that's okay. Those two have had a tough time, and it's not as if there are any rebels reported to be in this sector. Lucky that."

"It sure is," replied the other Metrocop. "It sure is."

Gman now 63% easier to notice.
Oh very good. I can see this one continuing into the future....
I would say it was more about 700000000000000% easier to see, because in the last one it was so blurred I was just assuming that I had found it because all I could see was a small pink splurge...
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